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The bottom line is this... Hoon laws are a farce and designed to do nothing but keep the cardigans of the world happy. For EVERYTHING you can get done for under anti-hoon legislation, there is ALREADY A LAW!!! Speeding, Dangerous Driving, Wreckless Driving (what Lewis did because it certainly wasn't dagerous).
I'm so over this nanny state country. Even the US Govt. is warning our Govt. not to implement internet filtering. I'm moving to Europe if this sort of nonsense keeps up in Australia! Australia is going to become the laughing stock of the modern world. Even Webber said he thought it was rediculous. Can't wait to see Jeremy Clarkson's take on it in the next TGUK series...
How about directing Police efforst into CRIME and VILOENCE PREVENTION? How about taking people off the roads who don't have enough skill to be there to start with? Govts. (any of them) have NO idea!
well put,..... we get low speed limits on highways and freeways ....the solution to everything is lower speed limits everywhere and more speed cameras, instead of decent driver education and highway patrol cars actually on the road doing something useful.
mk VI GTI, manual, reflex silver, basic