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Thread: Latest Mighty Mods video - $100 challenge VS AUDI S3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Latest Mighty Mods video - $100 challenge VS AUDI S3

    We bought a **** box for $900 and then spent just $100 to clean it up and service it for reliability, then tried to see if our 08 Audi S3 could out feature it.

    Actually when I say ****box, it was actually one of the best condition old cars I've ever seen. We then watched the original old Meteor ad from the 80's and, well, you'll see it in the video.

    Most of the car savvy people on here will know all this stuff as it's very basic but hey, will hopefully keep you entertained for 10 minutes and gives a closer look at our S3 Dynamics Processor.


    MK4 GTI | MK5 Sportline | 08 Audi S3

    Modify your ride with free DIY videos at

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue_reality View Post
    We bought a **** box for $900 and then spent just $100 to clean it up and service it for reliability, then tried to see if our 08 Audi S3 could out feature it.

    Actually when I say ****box, it was actually one of the best condition old cars I've ever seen. We then watched the original old Meteor ad from the 80's and, well, you'll see it in the video.

    Most of the car savvy people on here will know all this stuff as it's very basic but hey, will hopefully keep you entertained for 10 minutes and gives a closer look at our S3 Dynamics Processor.

    Saw it last week on autosalon.
    Probably one of the worst episodes content wise that you have done but i guess you have to put something out to keep peoples interest.

    Just a shame that you can't do more quality videos more often.
    I would actually watch this if it was a weekly 30 min show on tv rather than top gear aus.
    Have you contacted sbs or abc to see if they will do a short show for you?
    Last edited by team_v; 22-03-2010 at 07:05 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by team_v View Post
    Saw it last week on autosalon.
    Probably one of the worst episodes content wise that you have done but i guess you have to put something out to keep peoples interest.

    Just a shame that you can't do more quality videos more often.
    I would actually watch this if it was a weekly 30 min show on tv rather than top gear aus.
    Have you contacted sbs or abc to see if they will do a short show for you?
    Are you being serious? They do a fantastic job considering the next to nothing budget you really cannot expect much more I'm sorry!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Houso View Post
    Are you being serious? They do a fantastic job considering the next to nothing budget you really cannot expect much more I'm sorry!
    I know they do a good job.

    Like I said, it is a shame that they can't get a regular spot and funding from SBS/ABC to allow them to do more quality epsiodes more often.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    good Job guys can you do a segmant on metal polishing for alloy manifolds rocket covers so on.

  6. #6
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    even a episode in how to pimp your engine bay in general. just a thaught
    " I wait I resolution derive pleasure this " latest spammer post

  7. #7
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    If you put the add as a single clip it would go viral in about 8min.

    Awsome work guys!
    MK1 GLS 3door
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Great, I think keeping it real is awesome. As there are many people that are getting into cars that are not going to have heaps of spare coin - guiding them to buy classic early 80's rather than plastic early 90's cars must be commended.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by team_v View Post
    Saw it last week on autosalon.
    Probably one of the worst episodes content wise that you have done but i guess you have to put something out to keep peoples interest.

    Just a shame that you can't do more quality videos more often.
    I would actually watch this if it was a weekly 30 min show on tv rather than top gear aus.
    Have you contacted sbs or abc to see if they will do a short show for you?
    I see your point but there is content EVERYWHERE. People didn't like our DeLorean Episode because we didn't give the specs of the car. You get get them off the net.

    Our most content heavy episodes (like how to build a Wideband 02 sensor) have been our least popular so we don't guess anymore. We just do what we want.

    We got a call from Channel 9 2 weeks after we signed with Autosalon. And you know what, they wouldn't give us 100% control. Autosalon were the only ones who contractually gave us 100% control of the show.

    We wanted to make an 80's ad with the car we bought so we fixed it up and did it. We had fun and we're proud of it, particularly this Episode as there is a serious side to why it was done which you can see in the below video...

    MK4 GTI | MK5 Sportline | 08 Audi S3

    Modify your ride with free DIY videos at

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Solid effort!

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