Originally Posted by
Your right Africa has always had a lot of dictators / warlords that have been blood thirsty . What will this change though ? You kill or bring Kony to justice how will anything really change ? It will probably just create a power vacuum and someone else will take over . Or in the case of Iraq/Afghanistan create a really uneasy peace that needs constant attention
Call me old fashioned but some countries need to be ruled with an iron fist to prevent a constant civil war . If you don't believe me have a look at all the contries/regions that have 2 or more extreme religions/political groups and look at how much fighting/tension there is (north/south korea , gaza strip etc) .
You are right about the part where taking down Kony, will only leave room for other issues and other dictators, and yes at the start it may change nothing. But to think that so much awareness has been shown to a lot of people who are oblivious to whats happening in Africa, and other places. Sure there are kids dying in European countries, Asian countries and so forth, but we have to start somewhere. Im just really proud of the fact that someone is doing something, and even though i've read in some places its a scam, im still overwelmed by the amount of people that now know about Kony, and the wrongs he does. To think how much people are aware now, and the people power they have is really amazing, compared to the "Warant issued for Kony's arrest" by the UN and the US' willingness to help out due to people power.
Even though this will result in a lot of issues due to the aftermath, and what not, i think that a lot of the worlds problems can, and will be solved with proper education. Rather then wasting money on warheads, and war itself, if the Govt contributed to actually educating the poor and needy, it would be a far greater cause. Because lets face it, we can all give money to the needy via charity etc, but if the people are un educated, then whats the point when they will go back to square one.
Originally Posted by
There is an event on Facebook in Canberra already with over 500 people attending. Planning on heading out The Thursday night and sticking anything kony related up around the Canberra cbd.
Whether all 500 turn up though will be interesting. It's so easy to get behind a movement over Facebook. But how many people do you think will ACTUALLY take action?
Josh theres also one in Melbs that me and a few mates will be hitting up !
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