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Thread: To keep going or not.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    To keep going or not.


    The VW Golf MK4 has been in the workshop for just over a week.

    Vehicle has intermittent surge and has cut out once.

    Workshop can not find a fault code and have tried various things to determine if its a sensor or relay etc.

    Went to see them yesterday and they said they got the vehicle to surge once on a short test run, but nothing came up on the codes to point them in the right direction.

    They then told me that they would now drive the vehicle until it cut out. Why they have not done that prior is beyond me.

    I am seeing them this morning to see if they had any luck with that exercise.

    They said the tried to replicate the problem in the workshop, I would assume they let it sit idling to see if any codes came up.

    The thing is I am up to $600.00 so far for what they have done and still no result.

    Should I just get the vehicle back and do some extensive research and see if I can fault find it myself, with replacing which seems the most common cause for this problem.

    Which seems to be speed sensor, cam sensor etc.

    Thanks...............NOTE: car has now been removed from w/shop.
    Last edited by cartandpeg; 14-06-2017 at 08:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Find yourself an independant VW mechanic they usually are more switched on than the dealers , the problem today is that car makers don,t trust their mechanics ! oops sorry "technicians " at large dealerships to do simple repairs . If it doesn't show up on their laptop it's all assumptions from then onwards , I got more help from a local independent VW bloke here in Brisbane than I ever got from the dealers . Some years back my van had an intermittent fault after 3 trips to the dealers who claimed they could not see any issue on their computer , a VW guy who I found told me it was a faulty BCM relay no diagnostics were needed , $26 later it never failed again it cost me more than that in time and diagnostics to get no answer from the dealers .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 22-06-2017 at 09:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag

    Quote Originally Posted by cartandpeg View Post

    The VW Golf MK4 has been in the workshop for just over a week.

    They then told me that they would now drive the vehicle until it cut out. Why they have not done that prior is beyond me.

    Should I just get the vehicle back and do some extensive research and see if I can fault find it myself, with replacing which seems the most common cause for this problem.
    I don't want to play the devils advocate, but why didn't you try to "do some extensive research and see if I can fault find it myself" before you spent $600? It seems to me like a waste of money, when you're capable.

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