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Hey all,
This is prevalent on every forum i read, but why do the collective 'we' see a post from someone asking a question and you will often see the first reply or two be things like "its in the manual". you don't see it that often here but it still does occur.
Given we are a community and I like to think that we try and help out our fellow Vw'ers as much as possible why don'y we reply with something like "It's in the manual, but FYI, its a case of 1), 2) and 3)" that way you are 1) pointing them in the right direction and 2) giving them the information that they ask for. Just seems a bit of a waste to take the effort of posting but not answer the question? I am all for the "don't give them a fish, teach them to fish" but cant you do both? Especially when you obviously know how to do it since you know its the manual? Just an observation of all forums that I read and it irks me. If someone is on the side of the road with a flat tyre, you're not (possibly you are?) going to just tell someone" yeah the tyre iron will be in the boot under the carpet and then drive off, you would stay and help surely? same difference?
Pontiff: (now there's an interesting handle!). Whilst all those that choose to log-onto VWW generally share a common interest, the great thing about forums like this is the wide variation of personalities that are brought together. I find the constantly changing dynamic in here fascinating!
I still consider myself to be somewhat of a "newby" but in the main, my (wholly uneducated) observation is that the folk here are roughly representative of the cross section of the community.
In my short time as a "newby" on VWW, I've found that some come here to get information (i.e. to learn) whilst others come here to teach - a good fit most would agree. For others, the incentive to participate is motivated by the need for affiliation. That is, VWW provides a vehicle (no pun intended) for friendship and comradeship. Most of us would say that these are honorable motivations. Hovever for some, the motivations are less socially acceptable, but no less important for the individual. The behavior of these folk may appear to be foreign from a communal standpoint but in reality their purpose (for the individual) is no less real than for the so-called "honorable" VWW members. These, less socially acceptable folk want to demonstrate that they are different -and they are just that. But the value of these folk to this forum is that they add to the rich tapestry of personalities that make-up VWW community. And personally, I wouldn't want it any other way!
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.