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Thread: ISO Fix Coming to a car near you!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Kilsyth, VIC
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    ISO Fix Coming to a car near you!

    An interesting article was brought to my attention today (it's a couple of days old). Something we have been talking about for a long time... seems sanity may have just prevailed after all.

    The Gillard Government today paved the way for more consumer choice in child restraints for Australian vehicles by introducing a new vehicle safety standard for ISOFIX child restraint anchorages.

    The system is a new simpler way for parents to attach child restraints to vehicles which has been adopted internationally.

    Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport, Catherine King, said that while the current Australian child restraints have been very successful in reducing death and injuries in children over the past 30 years, many parents have indicated a preference for child restraints that use the international ISOFIX system.

    “The Gillard Government has listened and has now introduced safety requirements for new vehicles where fitted with ISOFIX anchorages.

    “For many parents this means child restraints will be easier to install while maintaining a high level of safety for their children.

    “This clears the way for Australian child restraints to include these new compatible features,” Ms King said.

    “Standards Australia has already started on this work which is expected to be completed by early next year.

    “This change allows the Government and parents to continue to provide the highest levels of safety for children—while offering greater consumer choice.”

    For those who wish to remain with the existing system, current design child restraints will continue to be available and suitable anchorages will still be provided in vehicles.

    Ms King highlighted that the initiative was a positive step in line with the Australian Government's National Road Safety Strategy, which aims to reduce the annual numbers of deaths and serious injuries on Australian roads.

    Following on from her recent announcement on mandatory seatbelt reminders, Ms King again praised the cooperative approach that the automotive industry had shown in the development of the standard, including through the work of the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries and the Australian Automobile Association.

    Source: New Vehicle Safety Standard to Help Parents

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
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    Good, will make it much easier and safer to install kiddy seats. And remove them too...
    2013 MY13.5 Passat V6 Highline Wagon. Watch this space
    GONE:2017 MY18 Skoda RS169 Wagon w/ Tech & Lux, 2007 VW MKV Golf GTi

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Now Adelaide!!!
    About time we had proper seats for our children.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    There was a segment a while back on Aussie Top gear about ISO Fix..
    Safety news - BBC Top Gear Australia

    "All vehicles in the Volkswagen model range feature ISOFIX mountings in the rear."
    Technical Glossary > Technical Glossary > Innovation > Experience > Volkswagen International Homepage
    captain courteous enjoys vag

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    About time.

    Once this finally comes in, we're selling the Lancer, buying an ISOFIX seat, and going back to a VW product.

    The top tether and lap/sash setup is such a flawed idea. It's no wonder so many children die in car accidents.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    The top tether and lap/sash setup is such a flawed idea.
    If fitted correctly the current system can be very good. I have two seats in the van which DO NOT move at all including side to side which are held in so damn well with the current system. The third needs a little more tweaking, but is pretty good as is.

    That said, I was only very recently shown the correct way of putting a seat in properly and have become quite good at it. The real beauty of ISO FIX is the simplicity of installation making it near impossible to put in wrong. (I say near because I'm sure someone will still manage to stuff it up ).

    In summary, yes. it's great news to see it coming here. Just remember that all those import ISO FIX seats are probably still deemed "illegal" since they haven't got the right ADR sticker on them which the new ones coming legitimately into the country will have. (Not to say they aren't the exact same seat from the exact same factory... but yeah, no sticker = fail).

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    ISOFIX is no safer than the traditional system, ISOFIX is just easier to get right.

    I had good training when the seat was installed at the ambos. A correctly fitted seat does not move at all. I have seen some horribly loose seats in cars.
    Cars with locking belts make it easy to lock the seat into place.

    It is interesting to know that ISOFIX was invented by Britax and VW. The 1st car to get it was the MK4 Golf.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
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    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.


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