I've serviced a few before or at 60,000kms. A couple of years later, they've carked it from valve body failures, shredded brake clutch discs (equiv: bands), baked internal wiring harness, etc.
Look at all the MK4 Golfs, and T4 Transporters on Ebay going cheap with blown autos. I wouldn't entirely put it down to a lack of oil changes. Sure, servicing helps, but it's not always the determining factor.
Thanks Umai you are spot on as usual , seems that VW did not bother to do any sort of checking on Australian climate and driving conditions before unleashing their technology on us to test in the real world . If our T5 Tipronic had been serviced at 60000 when I asked the local dealer because of an issue with it , I would not have had to spend $8500 later to have it rebuilt just because VW had an internal filter which became blocked with decayed fluid and clutch particles .