Hahahahaha...So true...
I was a late bloomer getting into my deep facination with cars. I had always had an interest, but then when I started driving Armoured Vehicles with the Army, and living and working with guys that had an interest in vehicles, this started to get me where I am now...
I'm sad to say that my mates 1966 Ford Mustang started my deeper interest, but I now hate Mustangs, and see them as nothing more than a 2 door Falcon, and the most overrated car in history... But I digress...
At trade school I made friends with a VW nut by the name of Terry O'donnell. He had been working on and rallying various VW's over the past 20 years, and while at trade school he used to Khanacross his Kombi, which was awesome. Having always been into hot hatches, I saw the Polo GTI as a great little car when it came out in 2006, and it has been the first car I have really modified beyond spring, intake, and a worked exhaust.