The treatment is working. It sounds like you have very heavy biofilm and multiple treatments are required.
Just a point of clarification from my original post
1/ Miltons denatures biofilm (kills it). It does not dissolve it. For heavy growth, the biofilm may fall to the bottom of the container as semi clear slime. For very heavy growth you need loosen the denatured biofilm before rinsing it off.
2/ Miltons is corrosive at higher concentrations. 5% is a very low dose. I didn't want to damage a forum members car/paintwork etc. You can increase the concentration for faster results, being aware that it is a bleach.
3/ For very heavy deposits multiple overnight treatments may be required.
4/ Yes there are many other treatments available but Miltons is easily available to the general public, safe to use, and less likely to damage your car. Chlorine dioxide is a gas at room temperature .
5/ At work, we use Miltons to disinfect our water lines weekly at a 10% concentration and hyper dose at 50%. Once again our equipment is resistant to Miltons. Your metal water pumps and paintwork are not. It would be safer to put a hose into the reservoir to flush out the solution and slime rather than pump it out through the jets.
6/ This is a "off label" use of Miltons and the representative would either have no idea of treating biofilm or afraid to recommend it. It is used to disinfect baby's bottles and they routinely take calls from new mothers.
I hope this clears up a few points and fills in the gaps.