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Thread: How ch9 managed to ruin topgear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    How ch9 managed to ruin topgear

    I didnt think it was possible due to being an overseas show but they still managed to

    FFS cutting out the lap times of the r8 v10 and the zr1 is just f'ed and they didn't even do a good job of it as they still had hammond and may throwing to clarkson for the next part with the laptimes board behind them

    TORRENTS it is for me then. I just hope this means everyone will go this way and stuff ch9 and the amount of money they spent buying the rights to it.

    End Rant
    Quote Originally Posted by seangti View Post
    The price of the car rarely indicates driver ability/lap time.

  2. #2
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    here we go again...
    Everyone used to complain here about SBS and Top Gear over the past few years.
    Best not spoil it for those people that actually enjoy watching a motoring show rather than the biggest loser series
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasn78 View Post
    I didnt think it was possible due to being an overseas show but they still managed to

    FFS cutting out the lap times of the r8 v10 and the zr1 is just f'ed and they didn't even do a good job of it as they still had hammond and may throwing to clarkson for the next part with the laptimes board behind them

    TORRENTS it is for me then. I just hope this means everyone will go this way and stuff ch9 and the amount of money they spent buying the rights to it.

    End Rant
    Maybe they have to do it to comply with local broadcasting regulations? Seems a bit of a weird thing to do.

    At the end of the day "the all new top gear series" is the old series from several months ago so until it gets fast tracked to our screens I dont think ch9 is on a winner anyways.



  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtimk5 View Post
    here we go again...
    Everyone used to complain here about SBS and Top Gear over the past few years.
    Best not spoil it for those people that actually enjoy watching a motoring show rather than the biggest loser series
    lol i might go watch kitchen rules instead
    Quote Originally Posted by seangti View Post
    The price of the car rarely indicates driver ability/lap time.

  5. #5
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    I gave up trying to watch topgear on tv.
    They cut out 20 minutes of footage to give you 20 minutes of boring adverts.

    I just watch it online now as i can watch the episodes 4 months before they are out here and i get the whole thing.
    Sure i may not want to watch the whole episode (star in a car interviews are boring for me) but it is up to me to skip it if i want.

    Can only imagine the same thing happening if mightymods managed to get a spot on a channel other than ABC.

    I gave up trying to watch it last night (As i had already seen it and the episode was a bit boring - as was most of the current season) and played Sega All Stars racing instead.
    More enjoyable and still motorsport related.
    Last edited by team_v; 10-03-2010 at 09:06 AM.

  6. #6
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    meh... My friends have every single episode (internets is a wonderful thing ), so I just watch them without interruption when I want to
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  7. #7
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    It's not like they're making any programming deadlines either; last night it finished at around 8:40. Are they just trying to squeeze in more ads? (yes lol) I kind of felt that Ch9 would ruin it someway. I'll still watch it though, not enough internet bandwidth to d/l it.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by madglf3 View Post
    It's not like they're making any programming deadlines either; last night it finished at around 8:40. Are they just trying to squeeze in more ads? (yes lol) I kind of felt that Ch9 would ruin it someway. I'll still watch it though, not enough internet bandwidth to d/l it.
    I'm in the same situation with a massively restrictive internet connection so i have to watch the 9 broadcast.

    The ads wouldn't bother me as much if the were far enough apart. This is gonna make me look very sad but i i timed the ad breaks and the first set finished at 7:47 and the second set came at 7:55 third set at 8:10 then the last set at 8:30.

    Ad breaks don't seem to bother my missus but they p*ss me off and ruin the 'flow' of a TV show. Its worse because TG is a BBC program and therefore has no ads in the UK so it runs for a full hour, which means we only get 60% of the actual show.

    Like you said it was kind of inevitable 9 would ruin it with their constant need to sell me cat food and shannons insurance and then tell me when survivor is gonna start.

    Rant over!

  9. #9
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    I second the venting going on here. The first episode was crap, last nights marginally better. I couldn't put my finger on why it was lacking, but you're right about the adverts and no lap times.

    So would anyone with any episodes of any of the last 5 seasons be keen to rip onto a few DVD's or memory sticks that I provide?

  10. #10
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    It's so easy to watch every episode the day after it airs in the UK. The so called "current" series wound up months ago and I finished watching it then.

    It's nice to be able to go back through and watch any episode/special of Top Gear ever made, any time I want to, in full and without ads. Anyone in Melbourne that wants a copy, feel free to PM me. More than happy for people to bring over an external HDD to copy them.

    I lol'd when I heard Channel 9 paid $19million for it! What a joke!

    I have so much ad free TV these days of GOOD shows that I actually ENJOY watching that I don't even need to watch FTA TV.
    Last edited by Rocket36; 10-03-2010 at 02:37 PM. Reason: stupid typo - co should hsave been so

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