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Thread: Gt5 wtf????

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by thestu View Post
    Gt has never had engine swaps or wheels size changes. Gt was so good because of it's reality to driving!
    The problem is that if i was going to track my car i would be getting wider lightweight wheels and upgrading the brakes so it isn't the realistic sim that everyone was hoping for.

  2. #22
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    Just spent $700+ on a PS3, Logitech wheel (G25), GT5, Need for Speed (shift) and FIFA 10, and have only had a 5mins in each game, damn busy weekend.
    Last edited by seangti; 30-11-2010 at 08:32 AM.

  3. #23
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    I bought an old fiat 500 and got it to 100 bhp and it is real quick and don't have to slow through the corners so it over takes well but runs out of gears on the straights.

    Sounds like it would eat children for breakfast. I like doing weird things like that

    Yeah I was disappointed as well. especially when there are race mods and you can only do it on 9 cars and there all jap.

    What about decals, race numbers, anything to make the cars not just look like hoons going around. Seems more arcady then a sim with the lisence and 12!!!!cars on track. What happen to 20+

    Oh well, just might go out and get forza as it seems to have what I want from a racer
    Last edited by DangerDan; 29-11-2010 at 01:20 PM.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DangerDan View Post
    I bought an old fiat 500 and got it to 100 bhp and it is real quick and don't have to slow through the corners so it over takes well but runs out of gears on the straights.

    Sounds like it would eat children for breakfast.

    Yeah I was disappointed as well. especially when there are race mods and you can only do it on 9 cars and there all jap.

    What about decals, race numbers, anything to make the cars not just look like hoons going around. Seems more arcady then a sim with the lisence and 12!!!!cars on track. What happen to 20+

    Oh well, just might go out and get forza as it seems to have what I want from a racer
    I'd go live for speed or iRacing.

    forza has gone downhill since T10 screwed everyone with the DLC packs.

  5. #25
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    Still waiting for my copy to arrive from the UK, also bought a copy from OzGames and if I had know the prices would have dropped so much I wouldn't have bothered pre ordering!
    If its anything like Prologue Im going to be cheering

    | MY15.5 Mk3 Octavia vRS TSI | DSG | Black Pack | H&R Springs | 18" BBS RSII |

  6. #26
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  7. #27
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    Sweet piccies! That is a damn nice feature, excellent res.
    2008 VRS Wagon. Yellow, very yellow!
    Forever blowing bubbles.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Wow. Fantastic pics!

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    What camera did you use

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    I've only hired this game out for the moment, but i must say i'm not OVERLY impressed....

    I don't know if it's just my noob'ness, but there seems to have been only a couple tracks i've been on in the A class races?? The car selection i'm really not stoked on, was hoping i'd see a lot more VWs, some oldschool read: e30 M3, 964 porsche etc. And even the 'real driving simulation' part, I don't find it THAT accurate to compensate for the lack of other fun parts the game misses out on. It may vary with a wheel controller, but to me the way the car handles doesn't seem to reflect on how an actual car would handle. And on top of that i HATE the lobby screens and loading screens in between everything!

    I don't know, i'm very mixed feelings about it, to me it doesn't stand out from previous versions apart from little bits 'n peices here and there...

    Lucky the PS3 is my brothers and my xbox is mine. I will happily stick with forza with my mk4 r32. =D
    2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.

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