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Thread: Got pulled up by the cops.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Newcastle, NSW

    Quote Originally Posted by Corey_R View Post
    If he'd already put in the fine for the incorrect label, before checking your driving history, then maybe he felt bad about giving it to you once he realised you were a good citizen and hence told you to write in. Having several "real life" friends (i.e. not internet) and uncles and cousins on the police force, I know that once the offense has been entered, it can't be "canceled" by the officer. At least not by them out on the road.

    A friend clocked another friend on the radar. Didn't realise until she walked to the door of the car and saw the driver. Being friends she apologised, but again, the computer system had already recorded the speed on the radar gun so there wasn't anything she could do... lucky she was a federal police officer and therefore had discretion on what the fine and penalty was... my friend has that ticket laminated in his glove box and is quite proud of it... but tha'ts another story, lol.

    Anyway... change your rego label!
    They are the law obviously, one rule for them, one for their friends, one for the rest. lol

  2. #12
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    No... as I said, they couldn't even stop the ticket for a friend...

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by Corey_R View Post
    No... as I said, they couldn't even stop the ticket for a friend...
    Penalty at discretion of federal police officer who was a friend??

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Oh... Federal Police always have officier discretion (as far as I'm aware with traffic offences) at what the penalty is... it was still 3 points and over $1000 fine...

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Highlands NSW

    Discretion would help

    Seems to me that this officer would have been able to use his discretion.

    If I have the facts correct the OP was stopped because the mobile police car scanned his plates and the computer showed him as unregistered. Fair enough to this point.

    Then the police officer finds two rego labels (expired and current) on the car - both affixed I believe.

    The offence is NOT removing the old label.

    No ticket written out before the officer discovered the TWO labels.

    One case where a warning, an instant removal of the old label and no fine would not have hurt anything but the officer's hit rate and revenue tally.

    Another missed chance to improve Police/Public relationships on the issue of revenue raising.

    And I'm still getting blown away on the freeway by RED P platers when I sit on 110 real (not VW) kilometres an hour
    You know you are getting old when you cancel your order for a 3.6 CC and buy an Icelandic Gray TDI CC instead.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Burleigh Heads, Qld
    In Qld your highway patrol cops will ALWAYS book you for whatever they can find. Thats what they do. Your 'normal' cops can be more lenient generally speaking. They often can't be bothered writing a ticket as they were no doubt on the way to the next coffee stop..

  7. #17
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    It's funny reading this... I have been pulled over MANY times when I have blatantly done something wrong, by both Highway Patrol and GD's, and I have all time but one had my fine reduced, or let off all together... Just on this Anzac day long weekend, with Double Demerits in effect, I got pulled up by a HP car for doing 16 over in an 80 zone, given a warning, then let off...
    My tips:
    Pull off the road as far as you can, or even into a car park, this makes it both safe for you and them.
    Put your Hazard Lights on.
    Turn your car off.
    Have your licence ready for them when they get to the window.
    Be extremely polite.
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Newcastle, NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterHBne View Post
    In Qld your highway patrol cops will ALWAYS book you for whatever they can find. Thats what they do. Your 'normal' cops can be more lenient generally speaking. They often can't be bothered writing a ticket as they were no doubt on the way to the next coffee stop..
    I've had 2 general duties cover my car with guns (slight exageration as they weren't drawn but they were close at hand) and driven away 3 minutes later with a "have a good night". I can't imagine that if it was hwp it would be the same.

    Got a good mate who is a cop - GD - and the stories he tells about what he terms the cowboys are pretty bad.

    Still, not as bad as my run with a defective, sorry, detective, who I had to make an official complaint about...
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  9. #19
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    When you get into your 5th decade it's much easier to get let off with a warning. I think the cops don't like booking someone who looks like their dad!

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Can't see how it's fair that you can have the ticket waived regardless of your driving history. It's a stupid fine to begin with, I mean what harm/bother is it causing to have your old label on your car, so long as you have the current label visible.
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