Yesterday I ducked out of the house as I had to grab some items from my storage unit. Along the way I approached an intersection to which there was a stop sign. I treated the stop sign as a give way sign and proceeded through the stop sign without bringing my car to a complete stop as I believed that I could see clearly that there were no hazards or oncoming cars. I drove up the road and then a black ford drove up fast behind me... lights flashed and I was pulled over. The police officer approached my window and said that they were out on a roading blitz on orders from the boss and they were recording everything in their vehicle.
The officer then asked why he might have pulled me over. I admitted fault and told them that I had not stopped at the stop sign (there was no denying what I had done and I had no reason not to tell the truth). He then took my licence and then his partner approached the window and I had a breath test as well. I waited a few more minutes and the original officer approached my window again with a fine in had. $353 dollar fine for not stopping. Yes its a big fine!
(there goes my ross-tech cable that I was about to purchase!)
The fine is a first and final notice and must be paid within 28 days. I have the following options to pay the fine:
1) Post in a cheque.
2) Drive into a transport office and pay the fine.
3) Pay online.
I don't own a cheque book so option 1 does not work for me. I don't see the point in driving to a transport office which is a good 30 mins away from me to pay the fine so I prefer to use option 3. The problem however is that because the fine has been manually written by an officer I need to allow 7-21 days for the fine to be entered into the system so that I can pay it online. This is a bit annoying as I wanted to get it paid and out of the way so not to worry about it anymore.
Is this system backwards when it comes to technolgy? I have received parking fines in the past that can be paid straight away. Why then does a traffic offence have to rely upon a carbon book when the technology is available to speed up the process?