Hi All
This might be very stupid question but when I purchased my car on lease, I had following options included.
Electronic Rust Unit
Platinum paint + leather+ vinyl guard
I have no idea what the first one is. Regarding the second option, had this been done before I took the delivery???, I mean is it one-off thing (leather+ vinyl guard) that gets done before delivery??
any input is appreciated.
Electronic Rust Unit is a controversial unit, it claims to prevent rust by having an electronic current around the car or something. I've heard that it's a load of BS, others say it works. I personally wouldn't bother with it but eh. Besides, on a new car (and assuming it's a VW), is it going to be on the beach/near salt water a lot? If not, i'd definately say bugger that.
To me, a Leather/Vinyl guard needs to be re-applied constantly, i've never heard of a product that can be applied that lasts the duration of the car. Once again, I personally wouldn't bother, and would just opt to go for a good leather care kit from CarCareProducts.
Last edited by drewr; 20-05-2011 at 11:30 AM.
2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.