I've bought Canon 1000 the entry level DSLR twin kit some 3 years ago and was quite disappointed with the low light image quality (w/o flash). My old Ricoh GRD performs much better for normal printouts.
Also look at Samsung NX11 or better still NX100 (21mp), which is latest from Samsung, the same sensor size as in the entry level DSLR. It produces very nice pictures (my daughter bought it for her boyfriend as Christmas present) it is a very creative camera, that is much easier to carry around. See also Olympus PEN cameras, I'm happy with PEN EPL3, plenty of accessories and lenses for Olympus.
Look also at Nikon 1 cameras. As others say, you don't need the DSLR to get good shot in good light and unless you buy good lens to go with these DSLR entry level cameras, you can be quite disappointed with the results.
Digital Photography Review