I have a 6 speed DSG with a juddering/shuddering issue.
The ACCC Recall app is saying the 6 speed has been recalled. The link points to this page:
Volkswagen—Volkswagen Golf, Jetta, EOS, Passat & Caddy Vehicles
Volkswagen—Volkswagen Golf, Jetta, EOS, Passat & Caddy Vehicles
PRA number: 2013/13625
Date published:
3rd November 2009
Product information
Product description
6 speed DSG DQ250 control unit for the direct shift gear box
Identifying features
Campaign number: 37E8
Target: 4591
What are the defects?
The direct shift gearbox (DSG) may read the clutch temperature incorrectly and activate the clutch protection function. This will illuminate a flashing gear warning light and cause juddering of the vehicle, a reduction in engine torque, and opening of the clutch, reduction of engine torque an opening of clutch (no drive).
What are the hazards?
Loss of power to the wheels may in certain circumstances pose a hazard to the vehicle occupants and other road users.
Where the product was sold
Traders who sold this product
Volkswagen authorised dealers
Volkswagen Group Australia
What should consumers do?
A letter has been sent to affected owners. Customers can contact their local dealer to arrange for a vehicle check-up, and if necessary, repair of the fault.
It is strange that it has a 2013 reference number: "PRA number: 2013/13625" but also says "3rd November 2009".
Can someone explain this? The media seems to be concentrating on the 7 speed DSG. I see plenty of other 6 speed DSG owners complaining of issues. I am in an ongoing discussion with VW on my 6 speed issue. I have not had any response to my emails since this blew up in the media, 2 weeks ago.
Any assistance is appreciated.