Quote Originally Posted by Hail22 View Post
It's currently 5:27AM local in Wolfsburg Germany (Tuesday), Knowing VW the smartest play is to release a recall on Wednesday night.

They have to also organise paperwork and tender legal paperwork to the ACCC / Department of Transport and infrastructure of the "so called" recall that is being undertaken so that the ACCC / Department can then issue it on their website of what the expected outcomes are for this "recall".

A lot of pencil pushing to go!
Time zones do not mean much. I setup the drawing office for a German company here in Australia, and the MD here and his counterpart in Germany (and any needed staff) were available 24/7. They would have pulled a couple of all-nighters if necessary.

Given that it is Australia, you would think they would have pulled out all stops. Also, remember the Germans do not celebrate the Queen's Birthday, and even the UK had the Queen's Birthday holiday a few weeks ago.

In the interests of calming Australian customers, they should have clearly signalled their intentions with the details to be worked out. By leaking a supposed hint of what they might do, they quietened things down for a couple of days.

There is still a hell of a lot of spin going on.