I did, I contacted all relevant government agencies all the while, attempting to liaise with VGA only to be completely ignored.
Why would a federal government department step in? They don't care at this stage, as far as they know, they're going to certainly have a new boss in a few months at the goal posts will probably shift when the new minister takes over. As far as they're concerned, unless it gets bad enough they won't do anything because they might not have a job in a few months...
Another point to you all going on about OzVWCrap.
You seem to all forget that there are two sides here. You all mention about the unobjective comments and personal attacks. I have just re-read through this entire thread and I have to point the finger at you lot making remarks like "petulant child", "grandpa has to go to bed" etc. It is as a collective group that the personal attacks started and as such, he was forced into rebuttal.
A lot of you need to take a step back and have a think about the situation because its all well and good to say "I would have just pressed the left pedal" or "I would have calm and calculated and looked in my mirrors, pressed the hazard lights switch, applied the left pedal and slowly applied the handbrake while steering into the emergency lane..." Crap.
I was in the car on Saturday on the eastern at 10am, heading down to the beach to enjoy the day fishing. My girlfriend was driving her 207 and it experienced a similar scenario. Luckily for her it has somewhat happened before. The throttle became unresponsive and the brakes became aggressively bitey. A light feather made the car lurch with brake dive. The gearbox dropped its gear with an almighty bang and she pulled over. From the loss of drive to the point of hitting the hazards was about 5 seconds, we came to a stop in about 8-9 seconds. She knew exactly what was going on and exactly what to do.
And all of you get on you soapboxes and puff out your chests saying that you could have done all that in 3 seconds because you "know what to do" and that Ms Ryan didn't?
I know that I'm not alone when I say that I find some of the posts in this thread comical, especially when they follow a personal attack on someone that the same posters are saying should stop with the personal attacks....
My 2c. Happy long weekend
