It is good to see that the ABC continues their thoroughly researched and impartial reporting. Their "expert" Volkswagen consultant today said on the breakfast program that the issue effects the "...DSG gearboxes fitted to both automatic and manual cars...".
Moving along, another thing to consider. I had a Foxtel guy at my house today and we were talking about the NBN. I said I could not wait to get it and wondered if this terrible asbestos issue was going to really hold things up. The guy is right in the middle of the NBN thing and knows intimately what is going on from the inside. He said the media had completely blown the whole thing so massively out of proportion that it was now a complete and not-so-funny joke - just because one person wanted their 15 minutes of fame and had to get their camera out and sent pictures to the TV stations and raise everyone into a compleely unwarranted panic.
Whilst I am not trying to say this VW issue is the same (VW at the very, very least have a significant PR and attitude problem - that is for certain), one still could do with a logical approach to this. The licensed mechanics around Australia service repair brands other than VW. The mechanics who service Ford, Holden, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Citroen, Peugeot, Alfa, whatever are not sitting on the dole queue because they do not have any work to do. On any working day, you will find workshops full of other makes and models that have broken down, stopped on roads, stopped on freeways and left their owners stranded.
Originally Posted by
hoi polloi
All cars are capable of having problems - I once owned a Corolla that liked to destroy alternators... It was caught in Sydney's 1999 hailstorm and had $15,000 damage done to it... Unfortunately for me it was insured for $20,500 and the insurance company fixed it (wouldn't even write it off and give me $15,000)... It had a new roof welded on, bonnet, bootlid and one of the front fenders was replaced... Needless to say it was never 100% (and yes, it still destroyed alternators)... I traded it in for $9,000... So, if you've got a VW that is genuinely giving you grief and you've exhausted all your avenues just cut your losses and get something else... Argey-bargey in here does no-one favours...
I bought a new Corolla in 1986 when the first unleaded front wheel drive hatchbacks came out (AE82 series). It was all but impossible to control the car in traffic. It had a "deceleration fuel cut system" in it and it did not work well at all. When you took your foot off the accelerator in first gear the car felt like you had put the brakes on with maximum effort. And when you put your foot back on the throttle your head would snap back because the car did nothing then suddenly surged forward. You had to be really careful to avoid smashing into the car in front.
I took that car back to the dealer about 10 times to try and get it fixed. I got the exact same sort of attitude and responses that VW owners are reporting today. They never fixed it, denied it was an issue even though the car was absolutely impossible to drive in traffic. I was forced to sell it because it was undriveable. It was possible to stop it from surging but that required over-riding the emissions system which was not only illegal, but would have destroyed the catalytic converter.
I also had a 1987 Corona which was a death-trap. It simply had brakes that barely worked. Even the brakes on my father's 1957 Hilman Minx were far better. You had to keep a rediculous distance from cars in front because it took twice the distance to stop as any "normal" car out there.
In my job as a fleet administrator if I told you about the number of Nissan Pintaras that required engine and gearbox replacements and rebuilds, you probably would not believe me because they were not VWs...
I guess I am one of the lucky ones who owns a VW that has been flawless since day one and has never missed the slightest beat, not used a drop of oil and is the most perfect car I have ever owned in 30 years of driving and owning cars. I wish all my previous Japanese cars had been half as good and reliable as this car.
I don't expect aggrieved VW owners to sit there and do nothing. But I have owned enough cars to say with assurance that as far as I am personally concerned and have personally experienced, Daihatsu (when they were around), Toyota, Ford and Mazda are just as bad as anything I have heard or read as regards VW. They have all denied problems existed, or where problems existed they have denied they were safety issues and they just fobbed me off with Corporate excuses.
So although I do know what it must be like living with a problem car (because I have no two ocassions), remember that on any working day, repair shops are full of other makes and models too.
MY13 Polo 77TSI manual transmission Comfortline in Candy White - "Herr Marco"