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Thread: DSG woes in The Age

  1. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulc1964au View Post
    For the record I love my R and couldn't be happier with it and I so love my 69 beetle Vw through and through

    Well they didn't recall the Japanese version for no reason
    But all this has gone beyond a recall. In fact in discussing this with friends no one actually understands exactly what is going on. What should they be recalling now. Just DSG, all 2012 VWs. What about soda and Audi. Honestly unless there is a blanket recall and an offer of compensation it will not fix the damage due to unsubstantiated generalisations made by the media and by posters in various forums!

  2. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmrtig View Post
    You are either naive or do not understand the issues. You have already stated that resale is irrelevant to you! Guess what it is relevant to the vast majority. If you think there is anything VAG can say now, short of offering all purchasers in the past 5-10 years a refund, to placate all then you are wrong. Irrespective of the truth and who is responsible the damage to resale has been done as a result of unsubstantiated generalisations!
    Yes there is a lot of unsubstantiated problems out there on VAG cars but if VAG cant figure the problems out or acknowledge anything then what do you expect people to do?
    People rambling on the internet isn't hurting them, if the people are making too much noise then why doesn't VAG say anything?

    We bought a Fabia VRS fully knowing it could be a oil burner(starting to show signs of that) and say they cant fix it properly within reasonable time then you can expect the fabia on the back of my tray sitting outside VW/Skoda with custom graphics on it.
    Last edited by muli; 06-06-2013 at 07:24 PM.

  3. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmrtig View Post
    And how do you know I or anyone else will have an issue. Because of the 250 who have contacted fairfax out 200,000 VWs sold in the past 3-5 years. I don't expect to have an issue and probability is on my side!

    Fixed even just some of which issues? Fix them where as well? Again you are generalising without a shred of evidence. In fact I don't even understand what you are saying!
    I didn't think I would have to spell it out after 35 pages of this thread, but you seem to have missed out on it, so here we go...

    Fact: VW has ordered recalls on its cars in Singapore, China, USA, Japan, and possibly now Malaysia. Hence they are aware of (some) problems and (some) fixes.

    Fact: VW Australia has decided NOT to apply the same fixes here.

    Only they know why, and they're not talking.

    Presumably, they know (based on all the info they hold on each of our cars) which cars need to be recalled FOR SAFETY SAKE. But they're not talking.

    Presumably, they are avoiding the issue to protect their bottom line, which is ironic, given - as others have pointed out - how small a market Australia represents. It may not make sense economically, but it certainly does ethically. And soon, if not already, it will make sense economically too, given the PR problem this is growing into.

    In the meantime, I don't trust my car, nor yours, and you can bet I will keep my distance. I can't speak for the guy behind ME, though...

  4. #314
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  5. #315
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    Last edited by muli; 06-06-2013 at 07:39 PM.

  6. #316
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    Re: DSG woes in The Age

    Quote Originally Posted by Golf7 View Post
    VW has once again issued a statement! Free inspections are the name of the game! Message from Managing Director John White
    Progress! Maybe..

    It will be interesting to hear what explanation Customer Care has to offer...

    Still, while my dealer was always excellent at repairing things under warranty, it always bugged me that each and every time I went in, there was a new software upgrade I was never notified about...

    I don't really like how it ain't mandatory... How do I know the car in front of me has been checked or not?
    2011 Polo GTI | Black | 5 doors | Comfort pack | Audio pack | 9w7 Bluetooth | Xenons - a Return to VW!
    Previous ride: 2008 Mazda2 - ZOOM-ZOOM indeed!
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  7. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexaescht View Post
    ...but within weeks of buying it, a major problem sprouted up. Her local Woolworths is on the side of a hill, and when she tried to reverse out of a park uphill the car would roll forward until it shot back so fast that she almost backed into a car on the opposite row. Basically, after three months of ownership and VW not wanting to know about the issues, she sold it and bought a Kia Cerato slushbox.
    No complains yet...
    Yes, agree. I have demonstrated this to dealer I bought my Caddy from, and they acknowledged the issue, but responded "standard for that type of vehicle". It has taken me almost 2 years to finally get the hang of reversing up a hill by using the handbrake as I would have done with a manual transmission. Thankfully my Caddy has a conventional handbrake. I don't know how those without a conventional handbrake would tackle this.

    You need to understand how the DSG works, and unfortunately the majority would not have a clue, nor should then need to know this. It is sold as an "automatic", and so should operate like one.

    A cousin of mine had an Audi A4 with the Tiptronic transmission a few years back as a company car. She got rid of it as soon as the lease expired because she did not understand how it worked, and she had the clutches fail because she would stop with the transmission in D, the handbrake on, and foot off the brake. Even when the clutches were replaced, the Audi dealer did not take the time to explain the operation of the DSG to her. Probably did not know anyway.

  8. #318
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoknRob View Post
    Progress! Maybe..

    It will be interesting to hear what explanation Customer Care has to offer...
    "Standard for that type of vehicle".

  9. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by wai View Post
    Yes, agree. I have demonstrated this to dealer I bought my Caddy from, and they acknowledged the issue, but responded "standard for that type of vehicle". It has taken me almost 2 years to finally get the hang of reversing up a hill by using the handbrake as I would have done with a manual transmission. Thankfully my Caddy has a conventional handbrake. I don't know how those without a conventional handbrake would tackle this.

    You need to understand how the DSG works, and unfortunately the majority would not have a clue, nor should then need to know this. It is sold as an "automatic", and so should operate like one.

    A cousin of mine had an Audi A4 with the Tiptronic transmission a few years back as a company car. She got rid of it as soon as the lease expired because she did not understand how it worked, and she had the clutches fail because she would stop with the transmission in D, the handbrake on, and foot off the brake. Even when the clutches were replaced, the Audi dealer did not take the time to explain the operation of the DSG to her. Probably did not know anyway.
    Tiptronic is the torque converter. A damn good Audi transmission currently in the SQ5. S-tronic is the dual clutch!

  10. #320
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoknRob View Post
    I didn't think I would have to spell it out after 35 pages of this thread, but you seem to have missed out on it, so here we go...

    Fact: VW has ordered recalls on its cars in Singapore, China, USA, Japan, and possibly now Malaysia. Hence they are aware of (some) problems and (some) fixes.

    Fact: VW Australia has decided NOT to apply the same fixes here.

    Only they know why, and they're not talking.

    Presumably, they know (based on all the info they hold on each of our cars) which cars need to be recalled FOR SAFETY SAKE. But they're not talking.

    Presumably, they are avoiding the issue to protect their bottom line, which is ironic, given - as others have pointed out - how small a market Australia represents. It may not make sense economically, but it certainly does ethically. And soon, if not already, it will make sense economically too, given the PR problem this is growing into.

    In the meantime, I don't trust my car, nor yours, and you can bet I will keep my distance. I can't speak for the guy behind ME, though...
    So now you speak for me? I trust my car. I don't care if you don't trust my car!

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