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Thread: DSG woes in The Age

  1. #451
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    DSG woes in The Age

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulc1964au View Post
    Thanks are these one of the dsg in question? I am assuming so
    Both the 7-Speed Dry-clutch DQ200 (fitted to low-end Golfs, Passats and all Polos) and the 6-Speed Wet-clutch DQ250 (fitted to the Golf TDI, GTI, Passat TDI and VR6 etc) are the DSGs in question, however generally your DSG (the DQ250) is less prone to failure.
    Alex Aescht

    MY13 Dark Silver VW up! 5-door 55MPI manual — Comfort Style Pack, Comfort Drive Pack, Maps + More, Panoramic Sunroof
    MY11 Pepper Grey VW Polo Comfortline 66TDI manual ― Comfort Pack, Audio Pack.

  2. #452
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    DSG woes in The Age

    Thanks I assume it was in question as I have a friend who has the same car and had a false neutral episode last week

  3. #453
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonymy01 View Post
    I have a 2012 R also and worried it has one of those manual DSG that the spokesperson mentioned on ABC. I fear on a freeway that in top gear, the car suddenly stops and jerks last second. VW removed a door rattle in my first service, thankfully they fixed it, but I am now worried for my life that even though they repaired it and it hasn't come back in over a year, the engine might seize at any second because of all these recent reports.
    It sounds like a diesel at idle, so I am worried the diesel injectors might fail.

    Sound like anyone here?

    Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
    bahahahahah. gold.

  4. #454
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    DSG woes in The Age

    If u do have a false neutral how do you rectify it on the road or is it a tow job

  5. #455
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    DSG woes in The Age

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulc1964au View Post
    If u do have a false neutral how do you rectify it on the road or is it a tow job
    I believe most of the time you can just turn the key off and back on again when you're stopped and it resets itself and works again.
    Alex Aescht

    MY13 Dark Silver VW up! 5-door 55MPI manual — Comfort Style Pack, Comfort Drive Pack, Maps + More, Panoramic Sunroof
    MY11 Pepper Grey VW Polo Comfortline 66TDI manual ― Comfort Pack, Audio Pack.

  6. #456
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulc1964au View Post
    If u do have a false neutral how do you rectify it on the road or is it a tow job
    There is always "the big red switch" solution where you shut down, leave it for around 10 seconds and then restart. This MIGHT reset things.

    A false neutral would mean no drive at all, so if you can't reset it, it would have to be a tow job, unless you had access to a mobile mechanic service that could deal with VWs.

    By the way, "the big red switch" refers to the original IBM PC which had a big red power switch and that was the best way to reset things at times

  7. #457
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    DSG woes in The Age

    Ok now it makes sense the operating system must be windows based

  8. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonymy01 View Post
    I have a 2012 R also and worried it has one of those manual DSG that the spokesperson mentioned on ABC. I fear on a freeway that in top gear, the car suddenly stops and jerks last second. VW removed a door rattle in my first service, thankfully they fixed it, but I am now worried for my life that even though they repaired it and it hasn't come back in over a year, the engine might seize at any second because of all these recent reports.
    It sounds like a diesel at idle, so I am worried the diesel injectors might fail.

    Sound like anyone here?

    Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
    There is no need to make a fun from many people that could get confused now, thanks to media and others making the issue look bigger than it might actually be. But, I don't blame you if you feel that you needed to post that.

    Many of us with no DSG problem so far are getting also frustrated with all that scare campaign run by media to benefit only to them. Don't you think even for 1 second that your best interest is close to their hearts, they are heartless like any other corporation? They only use you to their gain. They don’t care about the resale value or when you get your car repaired, the longer it goes on better for them.

    The VAG will sort it out I have no doubts about it, and they would do it even without the media push, probably later though. If you getting the symptoms as mentioned, your best chance to get the fix in as short time was always to go to see your dealer, make sure they record your concern and what they'd found and the most importantly that you have the copy of their findings.

    I'm getting the impression that many people when they feel that the car is doing something that it shouldn't don't even bother to go to the dealer/mechanic to get their symptoms looked at and go to the facebook or the forums. If you run your own business, would you like if someone goes behind your back, makes a nasty comments? (I don't mean OzVWCrap, no one with even with 1 brain cell remaining shouldn't get so hated and post so many times, if he didn't have a real problem with the car). So, I would never take any right away (I never did) from anyone who complains about their car if he/she already exhausted all other means to get the car fixed. But, please if you don't have any problems with your DSG, most of us get that, anybody reading this thread can get worried, so if you posted your concern it's fine, but jumping up and down saying you can get killed in the car on the road is not on, because there are a lot of people who die on the road every day around the world and we all accepted that risk the moment we got the license and jumped in the car.

    I say accepted and don't mean that you should do nothing about it. Go to the dealer with your car and demand the fix IF your DSG IS faulty. Otherwise in your best interest you shouldn't help the media to run the scare campaign, it works against you. No jufge or court will accept that there are 170 people who contacted the fairfax and might have the problem with the car and rule on that saying "yes guilty" .

  9. #459
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    The way Fairfax are portraying it, it gives the less-informed the impression that ALL Volkswagens can and will be affected by diesel injector and DSG failures.

    Until they, and Volkswagen Group Australia actually clarify which models might strike trouble, Volkswagen Group Australia are on a hiding to nothig.

    Also, can we have the words 'melissa', 'ryan', and 'death' removed from the thread tags? They have little to nothing to do with the thread at all.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  10. #460
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    DSG woes in The Age

    Couldn't agree more transporter, the media are really getting attention on this I have had family members call me concerned about me driving a Vw and my wife is feeling nervous although our car has never missed a beat.

    I am just thankful I have two years to run on the lease before I have to hand back or sell the car hopefully this will be a distant memory by then

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