Sorry, for some reason I thought she was merging. It appears not.
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Talking at work about the issue ( I have a golf R 2012) one colleague was going to buy a golf but after the bad press has ordered an Audi A3 instead.
Another colleague was telling me how his friends R had a false neutral and had it towed to Vw only to be told there is nothing wrong and are too afraid to drive it and it is sitting in the garage.
I must admit whether or not fairfax are correct it is having an impact on car values ( see the thread just posted about the member wanting to trade in his Jetta)
Talking at work about the issue ( I have a golf R 2012) one colleague was going to buy a golf but after the bad press has ordered an Audi A3 instead.
Another colleague was telling me how his friends R had a false neutral ( last week) and had it towed to Vw only to be told there is nothing wrong and are too afraid to drive it and it is sitting in the garage.
I must admit whether or not fairfax are correct it is having an impact on car values ( see the thread just posted about the member wanting to trade in his Jetta)
VAG can't remain silent for long because I am sure dealers are already feeling the pinch and unless VAG act this issue will continue to impact on new car and second hand car sales
Someone mentioned Skoda a few posts ago.
Maybe this is the reason VW are so quiet on it. How many Skodas would be affected by this, and how many have reported the problem?
Oh grow up you petulant little child.
There are a number of factors at play here that have relevance to the issue of DSG problems and the sheer crapness of the 118 engine.
The incident in the coroners court has nothing to do with either of them.
The issue is that the media is lumping a load of separate issues together and presenting them as verbatim fact.
The simple fact of the matter needs to be broken down into 2 factor.
1) that the physics that would cause a car to go from 100-0 in 3 seconds, as is claimed in the reporting of the case before the coroner is simply not achievable. No matter what the driver behind has an obligation to be driving with due care and attention. The truck driver obviously wasn't. This car was also a manual and a diesel. Therefore the issue has nothing, I repeat nothing, to do with false neutrals.
2) DSGs and the 118 engine have reliability issues. The 118 in particular was not properly set up for the ****ty Australian fuel we have. I know of a few that have been run on 91 (local government fleet cars) that have gone bang. Others have only been run on 98 and had issues. Apart from higher than average oil usage, this does not appear to be an issue in the UK. Therefore the engine was not set up appropriately by VW for the Australian market. This needs to be rectified.
There is the wider issue of faults with the DSG transmission, and megachronics going. I have known about this since around 2008. I bought a manual for that reason. It is new technology. It will be great technology once it is sorted.
Just because I am not falling over myself to join the OMG isn't everything they have ever built **** bandwagon that you are pushing doesn't mean they don't need to address a number of issues. Just your particular, spiteful, juvenile and sad approach does not get you anywhere, and frankly you need to start acting like an adult to get you anywhere.
Skoda sales are so low that it wouldn't be much of an issue.
The 7 speed DSG is only used in the 1.8L Octavia & Superb AFAIK.
The twincharger was only ever used in the Fabia vRS so the numbers are very low (<100 sales I'd estimate). Other Fabia sales are pretty lousy too.
Dare I say it, Skodas appear to be a bit better put together. Generally they are either excellent or the owners hate them.