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Thread: DSG driving advice

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton

    This last reply is the reason I have mistrust of this technology so many ways of driving to SAVE the auto just does not make sense . I hate the downhill bit as our van is screaming its tits off on a large downhill near our place touch the accelerator and up some gears it goes then you need to slow down touch the brake and bingo down go the gears its a pain . As for placing the car in neutral as someone suggested even their manual is downright dangerous , you have no control if an accident were imminent and driving away was an option at that moment plus the test fail reason as well . I will add my own experience with a DSG fail in our new T5 van ,almost out of the box at only 2000 kays I backed out of our driveway engaged drive lifted the foot off the brake and down the hill the van went backwards . It took a second or so to realise what was going on . Slammed on the brakes put the van back to Park then re engaged drive for a second time and down the hill it went again . Third time lucky , now how would VW handle the insurance claim if I had hit someone as I would have to tell the insurers that the auto would not engage because some silly electronic part did not live up to its job . Yes I know about hill start etc this just did not engage at all no drive it was like it was in neutral. You see I was stung by VW and their "Sealed for Life Tiptronic " in our previous van . That little exercise cost me around $9000 when the auto failed because VW would not service the auto , stupidly there is a filter inside the auto just waiting to become blocked with decaying fluid and debris from wear and tear . VW would not remove the sump so it is a time bomb waiting to explode . With the DSG they seemed to have learnt from earlier faults , the filter is on the outside and they do service them every 60000 kays sort of says that they new there was mistake with the service regime on the Tiptronic .
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 09-04-2015 at 10:32 PM.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    ... engaged drive lifted the foot off the brake and down the hill the van went backwards . It took a second or so to realise what was going on.
    Handbrake start.
    Former owner of MY12 GTD with DSG

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabbitz View Post
    Adding to the above post, should you put a DSG in neutral while waiting at lights if you are stationary for some time? That's what I do in a manual.
    Doing just this has almost fkd me up... TWICE!

    Get to a red light ... shift DSG to neutral .. wait wait wait .. lights go green .. engage into drive .. CAN'T get into DRIVE !!!! WTF !!!

    Remember that your foot needs to be on the brake to change gear.. almost got rear ended twice. (My usual car is stick so none of this foot on brake to change gears **** lol)

    What happened both times was that I was on a slight decline so I must have let foot off the brake and the car started rolling when lights went green - I then proceed to step on the accelerator (forgetting I am still in neutral) then when I realise I am not and car revs it's tits off and doesn't move, I can't get it from N to D because my foot is NOT on the brakes. In stepping on the brakes (sudden stop) car behind me also needs to jam on their brakes !!!!! Fk me ... worst experience ever

    I suggest to not go into N

  4. #24
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    Brain fades can happen for sure.

    Why I asked the question is the Yeti manual only mentions stopping for a short time and that the transmission is never completely interrupted (their words).

    Quote from the manual:
    Depress the brake pedal and bring the vehicle to a stop.
    Keep holding the brake pedal until driving is resumed.
    The selector lever position N does not have to be selected when stopping for a short time, such as at a cross roads

    What defines a short time and are they suggesting to put it in N if stationary for longer periods?

  5. #25
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    I'm gonna drive it as an auto from now i.e. unless I reverse or park, I am leaving it in Drive. Not worth getting run up the arse due to smarty pants safety features especially when my DD is manual.

    A few search results.

    Put DSG into neutral at the lights?
    DSG gear box when stationary at the lights
    DSG - idling in gear is not ideal?
    DSG in neutral

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    I will add my own experience with a DSG fail in our new T5 van ,almost out of the box at only 2000 kays I backed out of our driveway engaged drive lifted the foot off the brake and down the hill the van went backwards . It took a second or so to realise what was going on . Slammed on the brakes put the van back to Park then re engaged drive for a second time and down the hill it went again . Third time lucky , now how would VW handle the insurance claim if I had hit someone as I would have to tell the insurers that the auto would not engage because some silly electronic part did not live up to its job.
    Yes, you have to do a handbrake start to control this. It does not take long to learn the technique. You basically have to release the handbrake around 1/4 second after you take your foot off the brake.

    In fact you do this for going forward up a hill, and for going backwards up a hill.

    It's nothing more than practice.

  7. #27
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    Mt Cotton
    Sorry I don't get what you mean Handbrake start ? why would I back out of a driveway backwards and put the handbrake ON I use the same foot to drive and then accelerate . So the normal routine I have used with all my automatics since living here for the last 35 years is to reverse out put right foot on brake engage drive then move same foot to accelerator and drive away . The van should not have rolled backwards at all , normally when I engage drive you can feel the van move slightly as it engages drive in this case there was NONE it had no drive whatsoever . Someone described the symptom as a "false neutral"

  8. #28
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    Handbrake start is a handbrake start on a slope. In a manual, you hold it on the handbrake and release the clutch until you feel the bite point at which point you can release the handbrake and this prevents you from rolling in the "wrong" direction.

    On a torque converter auto, the fluid coupling is effectively slipping all the time, so as soon as you release the foot brake, the car will try and move as per the selector.

    With a DSG, there is roughly a 1/4 second delay between releasing the foot brake and the clutch starting to engage in 1st gear. During this time the vehicle will roll down the hill. The handbrake is applied to prevent this, and needs to be held long enough for the relevant clutch to start to engage.

    The 1/4 second is not too bad, however it is only for 1st gear. For reverse, the delay is considerably longer and what you end up doing is applying more accelerator. Then the clutch bites and you are launched backwards. You jump on the brakes, and the clutch disengages, and the cycle starts again. Applying the handbrake and feeling for the bite point you can eliminate this on a DSG.

    It takes a little practice, but once you get the feel, it is not an issue.

  9. #29
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    Having only driven DSG WV cars, I find it a breeze to drive. I can drive manual, not confidentiality. I know enough to know when I need to do a handbrake start (ie hill start both fwd and reverse) which I self discovered.
    Just tune in to the DSG and you will soon learn how to drive it.
    SOLD 2006 VW Golf Comfortline 1.9TDI | DSG | Metallic Grey | Stock
    2015 Skoda Octavia Ambition Plus 103TSI wagon

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    ...since living here for the last 35 years ...
    You've had a license here for 35 years and never had to learn how to perform a handbrake start aka handbrake hill start?

    Thanks for making me feel old!
    Former owner of MY12 GTD with DSG

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