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View Poll Results: Do use a Mac?

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  • I use a Mac and Drive a VW

    25 32.89%
  • I use a Mac and Drive a VW GTI

    12 15.79%
  • I use another OS and Drive a VW

    23 30.26%
  • I use another OS and Drive a VW GTI

    16 21.05%
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Thread: Correlation of VW drivers to Mac Users

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by Corey_R View Post
    For example. My cassette walkman had an "inline" remote control. The walkman itself would go into a pocket or your bag etc, and your headphones would plug into the top of the remote (hence why sony used to sell earphones with a "SP" and "LP" model, for different cable lengths. So unlike iPod users who have to carry their iPods around in their HANDS to operate them and adjust the volume or pause etc when someone talks to them or whatever, we used to have FULL CONTROL of the device clipped to your shirt or sleeve and not need to hold it.
    I have the same function with the ipods that I have - has been available for a couple of years or so now - built into the earphone cabling. For the record, I've never carried an ipod whilst listening to it and always been able to FF, RW, skip tracks, pause, stop and adjust volume - all with the ipod in my pocket or clipped to a suitable place.

    Don't disagree with your other points though - to me, the ipod offers convenience but it absolutely isn't the ducks nuts in all aspects.

  2. #42
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    I think the similarities between Apple and Scientology are too many to ignore.

    Just like in Scientology, progression in the cult of Apple requires the purchase of expensive electrical equipment of disputed quality

    Just like in Scientology, when you join the cult of Apple you are required to break contact with all your old friends (like your good buddies Microsoft, Adobe and Google)

    Just like in Scientology, attempts to question the position of the cult or it's leaders results in swift action (like Apple somehow convincing government agents to kick down your door and terrorise you)

    I could go on....

    Written by someone who loves his iPod almost as much as he loves his children (OK, so maybe that is stretching it, but I really do love my iPod).

  3. #43
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    Yes many Apple users seem to have joined a cult. I must agree with others here that iPhone users are really annoying. One guy at work learned the the hard way when he walked into the tea room and started telling everyone about how great his new iphone is. Its the only phone that can do video calling. 5 people pulled out 5-10 year old Nokia's and Motorola's and showed the video call feature. The guy shut up pretty quick.

    I've always linked Apple owners with Subaru owners.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony_mitchell_1983 View Post
    iphone users should not be counted as mac users.
    Imacs **** all over pcs.
    Iphones are for people that don't realise there are much better phones available.
    I have an imac and drive a gti. So yes, i am clearly a wanker.
    2002 Volkswagen Bora V5 - 2007 Mazda 3 GT - 1998 Ford Contour Sport - 2010 Volkswagen Jetta 2.0T - 2013 Volkswagen Passat 130TDI - 2015 Ford Escape 1.5 - 2016 Subaru WRX - 2018 Volkswagen Golf R Wolfsburg Wagon

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustCruisn View Post
    I've always linked Apple owners with Subaru owners.
    Funny you should say that, on the Mac side where this was also posted there is a seemingly large number of Mac users saying they drive Subaru's

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    I'm gonna stick up for my iPhone here!! I honestly have not had a problem with it...they may be common but i don't really care, they work well, never had a reception problem and i live in a semi-rural area, with Telstra 3G... The touch screen works really smoothly, the battery lasts more than long enough....
    Same goes for my iMac, took a bit of getting used to after using PC's, but it is so simple when you're used to it, i've got MS office on it so i'm not missing out there...

    To say iPods are lacking certain things when compared to walkman's may be fair enough, but i think you've got to look at what an iPod can do that a walkman couldn't.....Don't exactly have to carry a back pack full of cassettes or CDs around with you for a start.

    I think Macs and VW's are well designed, nice to look at and nice to operate. My PC feels clumsy, cheap and awkward after using my iMac, bit like driving a Hyundai after an R32

    <putting my flame suit on>

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by OEM G60 View Post
    To say iPods are lacking certain things when compared to walkman's may be fair enough, but i think you've got to look at what an iPod can do that a walkman couldn't.....Don't exactly have to carry a back pack full of cassettes or CDs around with you for a start.

    I think Macs and VW's are well designed, nice to look at and nice to operate. My PC feels clumsy, cheap and awkward after using my iMac, bit like driving a Hyundai after an R32

    <putting my flame suit on>
    I think the point being made was that ipods, while coming forward in leaps and bounds in some areas, completely lack basic items much earlier, more basic portable music players had as standard. They are also nowhere near the best portable media player (and i stress media player) out there. There are better options for the same or less money that support more file types, are smaller, lighter, sound better and are in my opinion, easier to use.

    I have no issues with my PC at all. It has worked flawlessly since the day I built it. With the exception of the rear fan failing.. Which I was able to buy a GENERIC replacement for, for very little money AND fit it myself.

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  8. #48
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    That's fair enough mate, i don't even use the iPod on my phone much, and very rarely feel the need to have music in my ears whilst walking around to be honest. I actually don't like the concept of downloading music myself, i can see it's benefits but it kind of takes the fun out buying music for me, i've bought vinyl for years, it's much more of a buzz to go and dig and find a rare record and have a nice big piece of artwork to go with it. Plus there is no competition to sound quality imo.
    I can't moan about my PC too much either, but it just isn't as much of a pleasure to use as the Mac, maybe a bit more like the difference between Festool and Makita. But like i said before, i like having both, i love using CAD on my PC.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    I genuinely enjoy reading some of these comments but still dont understand the 'hate'. Don't get me wrong...I do have frustrations with some of my apple gear as I do with my GTI. I honestly do believe that 'some' people try to seem 'cool' by knocking iPhones and iPods. The stupid idea that Apple product owners are brainwashed into buying them is something that is beyond me. Maybe it's a Ford V Holden kind of thing.

    I'm no audiophile ( I actually said that to a pimply sales kid in JB once and he backed away) so the sound quality of my iPhone is all I require.

    Btw, I even have an iPad. It was a Christmas gift and it is something I have used every day since.
    tornado red GTI MkVI, 5dr, DSG, Sat Nav, RVC, MDI.
    Red Honda Fireblade Red Cooper S (SOLD)

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Suffolk UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Tux View Post
    I genuinely enjoy reading some of these comments but still dont understand the 'hate'. Don't get me wrong...I do have frustrations with some of my apple gear as I do with my GTI. I honestly do believe that 'some' people try to seem 'cool' by knocking iPhones and iPods. The stupid idea that Apple product owners are brainwashed into buying them is something that is beyond me. Maybe it's a Ford V Holden kind of thing.
    Yeah i think maybe it's just the whole 'i' marketing thing that has got up alot of peoples noses, and not the actual phones/computers? i found it a bit annoying that lots of other companies were latching onto it, like iSnack etc etc. It is kind of a Ford v Holden thing but Mac's are better at some things than PC's and PC's are better at some things than Mac's (Mac's for Graphics, PC's for engineers).

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