Gone in 60 seconds. Loved the movie ever since i watched it, havent found one that tops it yet IMO.
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Gone in 60 seconds. Loved the movie ever since i watched it, havent found one that tops it yet IMO.
the original Mad Max - cars, bikes, trucks, chases, custom Aussie muscle cars.
Toecutter, Nightrider, Goose and Max...
Who didn't want a V8 interceptor? Probably the most iconic Aussie film car ever.
I was 12 years old in 1979 and it showed me what custom, modified cars could be like - awesome
Death Race 2000 !
Death Race 2000 (1975) - IMDb
Stallone, Carradine and killer cars.
I particularly like the bits where they run over their own pit crew for extra points and back up and do a burn out on top of one of the people they've just run over!Quote:
In the near future the ultimate sporting event is the deathrace. Contestants get score points for running people down as they speed across the country. The sport has crazed fans who sacrifice themselves to the drivers. An overt agency is trying to bring an end to the immoral deathrace and has infiltrated one of their followers in to the race as a navigator. In the end of the race the lives of the competitors, the President and the deathrace itself are in peril.
Not TAC endorsed!
1975 was a gruesome time.
You all just don't want to say it do you?
I know it's cool to pick out the old classics, but hey, what the hell. It has the cars, the girls, the races and the cheesy lines. You know you have used one of the lines of this movie against your mates at least once.
I am sure this movie caused an increase in the sales of the Toyota Supra's, Honda Civic's, S2000's and made Ferrari drivers look like knobs. Who knew a 10 second car could be cool before this movie?
The 2001 : Fast and the Furious
The Fast and the Furious (2001) - IMDb
If you asked my 10yo son........Cars (the original)
My fav....any of the Herbie movies :)
Has to be Ronin for me. Top storyline with plenty of action that gave the cars equal billing with Hollywood stars. With the frenzied run from the cops in an Audi S8, darting through Parisian tunnels in BMW's M5 and firing rockets from the Merc 6.9, there's plenty for car lovers to enjoy. Plus, and this is important, the French cars lose to the Germans every time.
I just remembered another movie with plenty of car action in it that's a good watch.
There is a movie that holds a special place in my heart that as a kid watched it with my Dad and then begged him to take me to Hot Rod shows and that is the one and only.... American Graffitti.
American Graffiti co-written/directed by George Lucas starring Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Paul Le Mat, Charles Martin Smith, Cindy Williams, Candy Clark, Mackenzie Phillips and Harrison Ford. Set in 1962 Modesto, California, American Graffiti is a study of the cruising and rock and roll cultures popular among the post–World War II baby boom generation. The film is a nostalgic portrait of teenage life in the early 1960s told in a series of vignettes, featuring the story of a group of teenagers and their adventures within one night.
Such an awesome movie, with an awesome soundtrack. Proud to say I have the original vinyl which was owned by Dad.
Not bad for a movie produced on a $775,000 budget, the film has turned out to be one of the most profitable movies of all time
PS: This was probably my introduction to "car movies" like it was you taking the kids to see Cars 2. They will remember it as I to this very day remember also sitting with my Dad in beanbags watching this! :D