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Thread: Chev badges.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    ringwood vic

    Chev badges.

    Yeah I know this is a dumb post, but what the heck, lets have some fun. What is it with all the commodores I'm seeing with a gold chev badge replacing the holden lion? It would be fully half the commos I'm seeing that have them, very common. Is it a prestige badge, or just a wank? Funny replies would be appreciated.

  2. #2
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    great observation! crap badge for a crap car....two peas in a pod as far as i am concerned.
    Here now!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by V6Passat View Post
    great observation! crap badge for a crap car....two peas in a pod as far as i am concerned.
    & what, Passat's are better?

    Yeah right.

    One of the most popular cars to ride on tow trucks!!

    They fit these badges cause from VT commodores series 2 onwards, they have chevrolet V8's fitted.

    I don't really rate it either & get more of a laugh out of the people with the V6 versions & chev badges!

    Maybe the Crafter boys can fit Mercedes badges to be upper class along with the GTI boys to fit Audi badges! hahahahaha

    Maybe move this to general chat?

    Nothing to do with Passats other than a mention of how much tow truck time they get!
    Last edited by Oneofthegreats; 28-04-2010 at 05:39 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfworx View Post
    & what, Passat's are better?

    Yeah right.

    One of the most popular cars to ride on tow trucks!!

    They fit these badges cause from VT commodores series 2 onwards, they have chevrolet V8's fitted.

    I don't really rate it either & get more of a laugh out of the people with the V6 versions & chev badges!

    Maybe the Crafter boys can fit Mercedes badges to be upper class along with the GTI boys to fit Audi badges! hahahahaha

    Maybe move this to general chat?

    Nothing to do with Passats other than a mention of how much tow truck time they get!
    General chat? You're probably right, I just posted here 'cos I have a Passat...oops.

  5. #5
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    Guilty as charged guys.

    My partners last car was a fairly modified holden vz and we had a silver chev badge on the rear.

    IMO they do look better than the holden badge, Though when she got the car we wanted to de badge it straight away but couldn't because of the 2 holes that hold the original badge on.

    But once it received a love tap in the rear from someone then it was straight to the panel shop to have those 2 holes welded up and painted.

    In the end it was completly badgeless jut the way we wanted it. The chev badge was a bit of a temporary thing to just change the appearance to every other commodore out there at the time.

    But yes that all changed when just about everyone commodore out there had a chev badge on it, i finally realised that about the time we got the love tap. So it was good timing.

    Each to there own but.

    The first thing i do when i get a new car is remove the badges, just to be a bit different and i'm a big fan of the clean look.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by V6Passat View Post
    great observation! crap badge for a crap car....two peas in a pod as far as i am concerned.
    I'm sorry, the only thing going for the passat over a commodore is the fuel economy and and some aspects of build quality. Exactly how many SS's do you see needing a trans rebuild after 3 years? Enjoy your DSG lol...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Houso View Post
    I'm sorry, the only thing going for the passat over a commodore is the fuel economy and and some aspects of build quality. Exactly how many SS's do you see needing a trans rebuild after 3 years? Enjoy your DSG lol...
    I tend to agree with you, which is why I bought a new CC and intend to seriously look at extended warranty when the time gets close. Mine is a company car also(my company)and bought it because of the German habit of up-to-date technology and quality build, and its comparative uniqueness. I could'nt buy a commo, even with their value-for-money appeal because they're just so #?$%* common. They also feel agricultural in comparison, still, even with large improvements with the VE. One day, maybe, a commodore will feel like an Audi, and I'll be in one in a flash. But I'm not holding my breath.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by tessie View Post
    I tend to agree with you, which is why I bought a new CC and intend to seriously look at extended warranty when the time gets close. Mine is a company car also(my company)and bought it because of the German habit of up-to-date technology and quality build, and its comparative uniqueness. I could'nt buy a commo, even with their value-for-money appeal because they're just so #?$%* common. They also feel agricultural in comparison, still, even with large improvements with the VE. One day, maybe, a commodore will feel like an Audi, and I'll be in one in a flash. But I'm not holding my breath.
    I agree entirely, everyone has different expectations and has to make a compromise in each department. I'll be looking at a VY/VZ SS next purely and simply because I don't want the headahce of a used VW, and besides the performance potential is unlimited. Just depends on what you want really...

  9. #9
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    Last edited by vwrallycar; 04-05-2010 at 08:45 PM.

  10. #10
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    This is something that really ****s me off...Even worse when you see a Commodore V6 with a friggen Chevy badge fitted...

    Its like me going out and fitting an Audi or even better, a Bugatti badge to my Polo... At least owning a VW I have a greater variety of badges I can fit to my car... I may go for a Lambo badge next... However, I would love to see a VK Commodore fitted with an Opel badge...

    To me this issue is up there with having a SKIN sticker on the back window of my car... Australia says no!!!
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

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