1. Space/workshop/garage
2. tools needed (especially big stuff like engine cranes, hoist or stands etc)
3. Storage for parts (shelves, plastic crates, nuts & bolts buckets)
4. Computer with easy web access and ETKA if possible
5. Whiteboard (for parts lists, to do lists, and to refer back to when you lose your way!!)
6. Do your homework and get the right parts all stocked up before you start
7. Get replacement parts needed (after you strip the car of course)
8. Someone who can help. There's always something you can't do yourself, so don't stuff it up trying!
9. decide on what you want and try to stick to it. But if something turns out to be impossible have a second option.
10. Patience. Any project always turns out to take twice as long and cost twice as much as you think. Just keep plugging away!
11. A calculator! Do a bugdet of what you think it will cost, and how much the parts you dont need are worth to sell second hand.
12. Dont chuck out ANY parts till its finished. You never know when you might have to use something again!
13. Posters of your fav cars. Get inspiration, it is the key to keep you going!