Worked at the Bathurst 1000 on the weekend, an amazing contest with an amazing finish between Lowndes and Tander.
It was an inspirational race on many levels - Lowndes' dogged determination to reach the front, Tander's skill holding him back, and young Nick Percat winning on his Bathurst 1000 debut.

I work in the media and thought you guys might appreciate some pics of the winners I took.

The winning car under the podium on Sunday arvo. (HDR)

Tander describing the drive of his life; rookie winner Percat with an ear-to-ear grin.

Bit of art from a wet practice session. (Exposure around 1/15th, touch of zoom)

Same place a few minutes later, exposure about 1/160th with pan.

Flat out at McPhillamy park.