-1990 Mk2 GTI 5-door with AMK 20vt (260hp @ wheels)
-Arrow/Rotax 125 TAG X1E Go Kart
^pfft only 900hp
APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |
Website: http://www.tprengineering.com
Email: chris@tprengineering.com
at the risk of sounding like an idiota, I know peeps who would say "that's so fuggin JDM", but it's not "JDM" at all (a term that's bandied about way too much anyway IMO)..... this looks so american it's not funny (yes apart from the fact that the car is japanese).
i lived in japan for 4 years, down the road from a Trust workshop / warehouse, and i never saw anything like this. this has "not japanese" written all over it.
it's nice, dont get me wrong...