my yellow mk1 was sweet the whole time i owned it...... my mum also had a mk1 over 10 years ago and some taxi ran a red light and they both hit at over 60kph each and they both walked away from it, sure the car is old, but they can also save lives.....
Last edited by WABIT; 11-07-2010 at 12:24 AM.
80,000km 1997 MK3 VR6 manual for sale -
My old man survived a T-bone hit in his old Campaign GTI at 85kmh.
Now that's what I call luck!
Audi S3 8L - Stroker GTX3582 700bhp+
Golf GTI 1980
Golf GLS 1979
Did you read what I wrote? average mk 1's that pop up on ebay that have been sitting for 4 years, probably wont be reliable, but if you give them some TLC and some maintainance, they'll be perfectly reliable. Once I ironed out an issue with a faulty relay in my diesel, it was perfect. it never broke down, died, or didn't start. How is that not reliable in anyones books? I didn't have to open the bonnet every two drives either. Reliabitly is reliability, no matter what you drive.
[p.s.: My original comments were about reliability, not about safety; but I've soft rolled one and I was fine. Mk 1's are good for their age, but yes, obviously there have been some safety improvements (in chassis design) over the last 30 years. I feel just as safe in my or others mk 1's as I do in any car.]
Given I just got a cab:
Last edited by Jarred; 11-07-2010 at 12:32 PM.
That S4 is insane.
Audi S3 8L - Stroker GTX3582 700bhp+
Golf GTI 1980
Golf GLS 1979
Golf Houso, you're a complete ****wit. You're the guy that thought it was OK to FILE out the centrebore of a wheel, yet you think you can pass judgement on what is and isn't reliable and what is and isn't safe?
You have no idea, knowledge or experience about the mechanical aspects of motorvehicles and have no right to pass judgement on such things.
APR Tuned | KW Suspension | INA Engineering | Mocal Oil Control |
80,000km 1997 MK3 VR6 manual for sale -
80,000km 1997 MK3 VR6 manual for sale -