kWs are not everything, and the way they are measured, and therefore quoted, differ among manufacturers. Golf R in Europe produces 199kW, detuned to 188kW in Australia to cope with our heat??
Toyota claim 200kW for their Aurion, but the Aurion renters I drive don't feel as if that figure is correct.
the aurion probably weighs a lot more and has an automatic gearbox straight from a washing machine - no comparison.
Be interesting to see if Opel detunes theirs for Aussie conditions too
I think the difference you guys are talking about is what it actually puts down at the wheels and not at the motor.
How it is measured has less to do with it then how it is put down to the road i.e. loss through the drive train, gear ratios, weight of the car, size of the wheels even.
The 2GR motor in the Aurion/Tarago/Rav4 certainly has that much grunt - Just that the auto wants to stay low, while all the power is up high. No torque + low revs = :(
Originally Posted by
Trial Mountain GT5?
Originally Posted by
Trial Mountain GT5?
Just after the tunnel???
Love that track. Haven't played GT5 though, possibly not even 4.
Originally Posted by
Trial Mountain GT5?
Originally Posted by
Just after the tunnel???
it's gotta be! instant recognition at its finest :D
in the same vein, is it a bit sad that i was watching "an idiot abroad" last night and after just a shot of the seats and the interior looking at the driver/b pillar (no logos, no shot of the a and b pillar together), i recognised the car as a smart cabrio? :facepalm:
i'm not sure if this is inspiring or humbling...or both
---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------