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Love the F40, Hooba.
Those hondas do nothing for me. I don't get it..
^ 20 degrees of also looks like a dog squatting...
^2 degrees + perfect fitment = mk1 win
the honda looks like some very large lard-arse has flattened the useless suspension
The whole Slam, Tuck, Poke, Stretch thing is such an arms race that people will push it just a bit and next year "perfect fitment" will be 4 degrees of camber, and the year after that is will be 6 degrees and before you know it the next generation of guys will look back at those Hondas and think they are a bit tame and you will look at their version of perfect fitment and say "that looks stupid" (sort of the same way some of the oldies look at your current version of perfect fitment and say that it is just as stupid as the Hondas).'s kind of like what has happened to the hot rod scene, it's now more about pieces of automotive art than about driveable cars. I hope it never gets to this.
But I don't want to stir up argument so I think I'll stop posting to this thread.