this thread needs some maths
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this thread needs some maths
Does it reach an asymptote as ground clearance approaches zero? If so, that would mean an infinite penis size if you're scraping! WIN!
only if your laying all around
So what you're saying is... If I lower the Caddy right down.. I can do some serious damage to more than just MY subframe??
I'm listening.. :D
Add inches by dropping inches. :D
So I'm guessing Tiguan owners are stuffed then.
If you sit the Caddys sybframe on the ground, then yes, and dont forget other factors come into play, the fact its a red postman truck also adds girth.
im sure you can sit a tig on the ground :P
everyone knows only females go 4 wheel driving.
Japan launches 'Hayabusa' bullet train
TOKYO (AFP) - Japan's latest bullet train, the thin-nosed "Hayabusa" or Falcon, made its 300 kilometre per hour (186 mph) debut, boasting a luxury carriage modelled on airline business class.
Japan has built up a network of cutting-edge Shinkansen train lines since the 1960s that criss-cross the island nation and now hopes to sell the infrastructure technology abroad, including to the United States.
The latest ultra-fast tech-marvel will make two trips a day from Tokyo to Aomori, a scenic rural backwater on the northern tip of the main Honshu island that has until now been off Japan's bullet train map. It will also make one more trip a day to Sendai, located between Tokyo and Aomori.
Someone had better tell the 4 in white that the war is over, and the alliance with Germany and Hitler has dissolved...