i love that drag rabbit! 8v on cis pulling low 12s... orsm. :) that actually kinda inspired me to pay some one lots of money to build stuff for me. :rolleyes:
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i love that drag rabbit! 8v on cis pulling low 12s... orsm. :) that actually kinda inspired me to pay some one lots of money to build stuff for me. :rolleyes:
Was sent this via email today so it may not be completely accurate, but it made me smile nonetheless... Nothing like a good in your face "I've got more money than I'll ever know what to do with!" :D :D :D
Check this out! This is NOT stainless steel...
It's a Mercedes Benz owned by an Abu Dhabi
Oil billionaire (naturally).
Featuring the newly developed V10 quad turbo
With 1,600 horsepower and 2800nm of torque
0-100km/h in less than 2secs, 1/4 mile in 6.89 secs
Running on biofuel.
That is NOT stainless steel, people, it is WHITE GOLD!
Your right about not being accurate! haha.
Thre is no way in hell that would run a 6 sec 1/4 mile. No way!
I'm not doubting the "alleged" power, but just for interest sake. Its a far cry from this setup which has roughly the same "alleged" power, but is a properly setup full chassis'd car with a proper race trans, massive rubber & all the right gear to run as fast as this
Thanks for the laugh though. Needed it! hahaha
why on earth would it be run on biio fuel, if the owner is an oil magnate?!?
I reckon I've seen those pics a few years back now
Yeah, its be doing the rounds of the Def Web for a few years now...It has had different information about it every time it came around... The guy has a major car of shiny kit syndrome..
So cool, James!
Side shot looks sweet, little TOO much on the poking though :(