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Thread: Car makers ripping of Australians

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobes_WIR35 View Post
    Ok, I'll be more specific for those who took my comments to the enth degree. They're not *significantly* deteriorating by sitting in the garage.
    12 months is reasonable, 6 months is taking the piss in my opinion.
    Ok, I will be more specific and ask you what is your qualification that can support your bold statement?

    I can tell you that the cars that drive less than 5,000km per year are much worst of than those that do 10k-15k km per year.

  2. #22
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    +1 Stuwey.

    I have many female aquaintances who even resent having to put fuel in their vehicles.

    If the washer bottle runs out between 6 monthly services they just leave it empty. They don't check tyre pressures; they don't wash their cars.

    I have one friend with a champagne gold mazda 323. She's owned it since new, the vehicle is parked on the street 24/7 in Sydney's Inner West & only gets washed at the 6 monthly service. After 8 years the clear coat started peeling. She asked me if she could get it done under warranty. I laughed & said that warranty doesn't cover owner neglect. She was somewhat offended.

    Given that new vehicles in NSW no longer require an annual Safety Check until after 5 years, I actually think a 6 monthly visit to the dealer might be a good thing.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  3. #23
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    I'm not sure why the RTA went down that path.

    Doesn't take much to make a new car unroadworthy.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    I'm not sure why the RTA went down that path.

    Doesn't take much to make a new car unroadworthy.
    Esp when people like Mysticality will have ~450,000km on his Octavia when he gets to 5 years. He gives a toss but there must be plenty of doing similar mileage that don't care
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  5. #25
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    I know of a woman who bought a brand new RIO, drove it out of the dearer and never had it serviced in 4 years ,well one day the car refused to start and was towed to the local mechanic , ,he had to remove the sump as the oil had turned to grease and all the bearings were shot,
    As the car had just come out of warranty she asked if the car would be covered the mechanic laughed , she had to get the engine completely reconditioned, The sad part is there are plenty of people who don't know either through ignorance or just don't care enough to look after a expensive possession until the **** hits the fan ?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    The sad part is there are plenty of people who don't know either through ignorance or just don't care enough to look after a expensive possession until the **** hits the fan ?
    Why would people have an interest in their car maintenance or reading (while thinking about what they read) the owner's manual when they have the social media and the games to play on their phones, tablets and PCs. Many neglect even their own kids, not only the car.
    Last edited by Transporter; 25-03-2013 at 12:37 PM.

  7. #27
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    Engine oil has a time interval because it can be exposed to moisture, fuel, heat, combustion by-products (soot, acid, etc). Factors such as low driving speeds, cold temperatures, cold starts and short-distance trips place greater stress on the engine and the engine oil itself, which can adversely affect the oil change interval. The type of oil used (mineral, semi-syn, synthetic) can also affect the OCI.

    Transmission fluids typically have a longer OCI in terms of time and distance (or even none at all) as it isn't faced with the type of environment the engine oil has to deal with.

    Brake fluid has a time interval because it is hygroscopic (attracts and absorbs moisture).

    Timing belts may also have a time interval because the rubber component may deteriorate (depending on the quality).

    When it comes to typical OEM air, fuel, oil or pollen filters, I would expect time to have minimal effects on their performance (save for outside influences, like insect nests).

  8. #28
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    And bacteria in the case of a pollen filter.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    Ok, I wimisore specific and ask you what is your qualification that can support your bold statement?

    I can tell you that the cars that drive less than 5,000km per year are much worst of than those that do 10k-15k km per year.
    I'm an engineer if that counts for anything?

    But to get back to your point , I think you may have just misunderstood. What I said in my post was that there would be no significant deterioration in a few months. I also made the point that people who do a lot of short trips would be doing harm so the kilometres in those cases would be less relevant than time basis.

    What my post essentially said was 6 monthly service intervals are a bit of a crock for most peoples driving habits, but 12 months would be reasonable. Most people would do 10,000 - 15,000 km a year so those intervals seem fair enough.

    Personally, I have my car serviced at the recommended 15,000km intervals at the dealer, and I do an interim service at 7,500km (fluids and clean the k&n air filter) because I am overly cautious and I see the effects first hand of what happens when people don't maintain expensive plant.

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