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Thread: Bought an iPad.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Any site worth the disk space is moving away from flash video and towards HTML5.
    youtube has, vimeo has, etc etc - it will take a while for others to catch up.

    I certainly don't miss flash ad banners on my iPhone

  2. #12
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    My mate has one and his missus has one too. The best part about it from my point of view is the newspaper/magazine reader and subscription manager. imo the ipad is worth it JUST FOR THAT! Will I buy one? No... Why? Because there will be much better android based tablets released that do the couple of things the iPad does well, only better. And they'll also do everything the iPad doesn't do or does poorly.

    Bide your time a bit longer. The Android based tablets are coming.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by hooba View Post
    That said, Jobs has ruled out Flash compatibility because Apple regard it as a resource / power hog. Until they kiss and make up with Adobe, it ain't going to happen.
    NOOOO!! But yeah I got Angry Birds HD which is pretty cool. The best thig about it is the battery. I dont charge it for like 4-5 days and If you dont thrash it really lasts. i reckon about 10 hours of video and Surfing.

    But no flash is killing me! Why Apple? Just suck it up and help out your customers.

    My sisters HTC Desire "phone" even allows these flash sites, with ease.

    PS the blend it video was gold - I ended up watching like 5 of them HAHAHA
    2010 MY11 GOLF R - 5DR | DSG | RISING BLUE | DYNAUDIO + ACC + BLUETOOTH + 19s + RNS510 |


  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinto View Post
    Any site worth the disk space is moving away from flash video and towards HTML5.
    youtube has, vimeo has, etc etc - it will take a while for others to catch up.

    I certainly don't miss flash ad banners on my iPhone
    TBH I think apple wants you to believe that.. but I dont think so. Nearly half the WWW uses flash. Company called Adobe does a lot of work with flash and I dont think they are going out of business right now or anytime soon.

    From what I have recently read, Apple just doesnt like Adobe.. CPU hog? Um.. my sisters HTC lasts longer than my iPhone.. and she has living wallpapers, constant connection to all social sites, and.. FLASH!

    As a repeat customer of Apples' I can accept that they are business, but dont believe all they spin. Thing is so many people who sing their praises on the net, have shares in Apple so the info - to say the least - distorted!
    2010 MY11 GOLF R - 5DR | DSG | RISING BLUE | DYNAUDIO + ACC + BLUETOOTH + 19s + RNS510 |


  5. #15
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    I got one a few months ago and have no complaints with it at all, does everything that is asked of it.

    If i did need to run flash websites on it then a quick jailbreak and install of thrash would have it going in under an hour.
    currrently... MY10 GTI | DSG | Candy White | Sunroof | 18's | BT | MDI
    previously... MY08 GT TDI | DSG | Reflex Silver | Sunroof

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by REXman View Post
    TBH I think apple wants you to believe that.. but I dont think so. Nearly half the WWW uses flash. Company called Adobe does a lot of work with flash and I dont think they are going out of business right now or anytime soon.

    From what I have recently read, Apple just doesnt like Adobe.. CPU hog? Um.. my sisters HTC lasts longer than my iPhone.. and she has living wallpapers, constant connection to all social sites, and.. FLASH!

    As a repeat customer of Apples' I can accept that they are business, but dont believe all they spin. Thing is so many people who sing their praises on the net, have shares in Apple so the info - to say the least - distorted!
    I know there's a load of Apple spin, but from a business perspective I'd much rather be hiring people with talents that are portable than niche.
    When I think of where flash is used, it is usually in clunky or superfluous ways (with the exception of video or info graphics) in ads, and there is usually another way it could be done that communicates just as well without the overhead of a plugin.
    If something can be built lighter and leaner with developer skills that mean you're not boxed in to using a proprietary platform (the irony in this context isn't lost on me) then it is worth pursuing.

    We've built apps in flex/flash and apps using web standards. I'd take web standards over a proprietary plugin like flash anyday.
    I no longer have an in-house flash developer and we now know that what we're producing will behave properly on every platform we need it to without a massive rework. The ideas aren't being diluted because we're not making games - which is probably the only area where flash will remain relevant.

    Flash player was terrible on osx for a long time - strange considering the roots of Adobe and the design market. We had high spec machines too.
    Not that flash isn't decent for some things, it just isn't the answer Adobe would love it to be.

    I'm not keen on Adobe's niche products (yet I own about 10 CS licenses).
    Been there done that - moved on to better things

  7. #17
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    Well, I got junk email from Dominos yesterday. But I was hungry, so I followed the link to order oven baked sandwiches for $4.90.. Sorry, flash is required.

    NBA dot com does not work either which is another site I like. Honestly flash is a must. And by the time flash is no longer useful, we'll be up to iPad 7. If that tbh. So fix up the issues now apple and stop feeding us nonsense since I just invested $1000 in a touch screen with no ports. (yeah I bought adapters but I can't USB for anything descent, even more waste of money tbh)
    2010 MY11 GOLF R - 5DR | DSG | RISING BLUE | DYNAUDIO + ACC + BLUETOOTH + 19s + RNS510 |


  8. #18
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    Bought an ipad for my mum (in her late 60s) and it arrived the day they came out. Was a bit concerned it might end up a white elephant and would be a waste of money, but shouldn't have worried. The ipad has been a MASSIVE hit. She lives out west in rural NSW with no broadband and crap satellite service, but just 1km from a NextG tower. At $30 per month for 3GB on Telstra's plan, they simply can't get anything better. The ipad is perfect for consuming content (weather, rural websites, newspapers, email etc), and perfectly portable (excellent NextG service in most surrounding areas, but with the usual black spots). She doesn't need it to upload content. And it's a great babysitting tool for the grandkids (angry birds etc). Has proven to be perfect for what it was purchased for. I wouldn't want one myself though.

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