So I am driving along as normal minding my own business, as indeed I would be, and suddenly there is this eery silence and then I don't know what. The car goes quiet as the needles fall on all the dials and the car more or less stops. As I pull over, this guy opens my door and asks me to get out so he can look at my dashboard. In a daze, I comply. After sitting briefly in the driver's seat and taking note of the dashboard, the guy leaves as suddenly as he arrived; I think he says "I'm Tom". But that sounds far too benign for the menace in the atmosphere. I get back in the car and it's then that I notice the numbers on the odometer and the trip meter . . . I look up to see where the guy is as the clouds part and "Tom" vanishes between the clouds, inhaled by some kind of beam ... WTF?
If the answer to the Monty Hall problem was 50/50, the contestant, on average, would win the car 50% of the time simply by sticking with their original guess...but you can only win a one-in-three guessing game 33.33% of the time so it can't be 50/50, can it?
Arnold: weird happening indeed - made more interesting by the fact that the tripmeter was only half of the number of the beast (well almost), and the odometer had a missing "6" (i.e. six-sixes would have been far more profound). Clearly this implies that the illusive "Tom' was not good with numbers (IMO). But then, why should an omnipotent demon (or, is the correct adjective "impotent" - I always confuse the two) be skilled in the black arts of mathematics?
My two cents is that you had an existential experience, likely caused by the combobulation of colliding universes! Either that, or VW cars really are the gateways to hell! If the latter is true, then the sign that VW now puts above the driver's door is truely prophetic - "abandon hope all ye who enter" - LOL!!
PS: I originally thought that the circles of hell in Dante's Divine Comedy referred to the Audi badge. It never worried me that Dante describes 9 x circles and the Audi badge has 5 x circles, because I always suspected that beelzebub couldn't count! Your display supports my hypothesis about the deplorable state of demonic mathematical knowledge! Clearly (and perhaps not surprisingly) the sublime eloquence of numbers (which must surely be the "BiG G's" best creation) has been lost on those that control the firey furnaces of hell!
Last edited by DV52; 03-06-2015 at 06:12 PM.
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