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Thread: Bin Laden dead?

  1. #11
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    I found out about this from Facebook statuses lol.

  2. #12

    '91 2.0 8v GTI

    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    I have wood thinking about you

  3. #13
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    Don't forget how Anwar Al-Awlaki dined with pentagon official months after the 9-11 attack, at that time he was number 3 of most wanted, but now is number 1. Fox News reported that, along with many other main stream and alternative news.

    Not to forget the American Generals admitting to providing all the materials to the farmers grow the opium in Afghanistan and supporting them. And the reported CIA planes which were destined to America, but the crashed with tonnes of opium on board. Doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together.

    Al- Qaeda starting to look more like Al-CIA'da
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  4. #14
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    Facebook 'Check-In' can really bring you unstuck sometimes

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by huss View Post
    Not to forget the American Generals admitting to providing all the materials to the farmers grow the opium in Afghanistan and supporting them.
    the US supported afghanistan for years during the cold war. didnt that come back and bite them on the arse!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bflat View Post
    Facebook 'Check-In' can really bring you unstuck sometimes
    i thought it was the sony playstation hack :LOL:
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  6. #16
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    I want to know why it took so long to catch an elderly man on dialysis!!

    Also, let's not forget that just a week before the 9/11 attacks that Bin Laden was visited by the Riyadh CIA station chief while he was having kidney dialysis in a US military hospital in Saudi Arabia... All this while he was the most wanted man in the world after the USS Cole, and 1995 World Trade Center attack...

    Really, I don't give a crap. It's not going to change anything. Everyone stands to loose face and money if they pull out of Afghanistan.

    Good effort to the boys that got him though.
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gti Dave View Post
    But do you really believe it tho? The CIA and US government can pretty much cover up anything they want. But if the news is indeed 100% genuine, then they finally got their man eh?
    and "in accordance with Islamic Tradition" his body was buried at sea....

    BURIED AT SEA!!!!!

    Whatevs - the US dropped the Towers to win public support for a war against (proven) non-existent WMDs, kill Saddam (wtf he had to do with 9/11 and WMDs....) and then go chase oil anyway, plus have all US firms contracted to the military reap MASSIVE cash from the war.

    Oh, and who owns those firms? Disgusting.

    ITs all money. I'm cool with it, I've dealt with it, I've rationalised it, but i still don;t like it.
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzen View Post
    Good effort to the boys that got him though.
    True - massive true actually. My comments were definitely not designed to take any shine away from the mad work the spec forces dudes do.
    MY02 Bora V6 4Mo|Matte Black plastidip|VTDA|R32 Exhaust|R32 dampers and springs|TT pedals|R32 steering wheel|17" 8L S3 rims|R32 sways|Blue Haldex|EBC reds

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dyldo View Post
    and "in accordance with Islamic Tradition" his body was buried at sea....

    BURIED AT SEA!!!!!

    Whatevs - the US dropped the Towers to win public support for a war against (proven) non-existent WMDs, kill Saddam (wtf he had to do with 9/11 and WMDs....) and then go chase oil anyway, plus have all US firms contracted to the military reap MASSIVE cash from the war.

    Oh, and who owns those firms? Disgusting.

    ITs all money. I'm cool with it, I've dealt with it, I've rationalised it, but i still don;t like it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dyldo View Post
    True - massive true actually. My comments were definitely not designed to take any shine away from the mad work the spec forces dudes do.
    Don't worry mate, I totally agree with what you said above... I am under no illusion that he was just used as an excuse, much as Hussain was... But the raid in itself was very ballsy, as is what all the other boys and girls are doing over there.
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

  10. #20
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    Osama bin Ladn has been pronounced dead...

    In other news, Chuck Norris is now returning home from a holiday in Pakistan.

    ****NEWS FLASH**** bin Laden spotted in Bankstown!

    Elton John has been asked to play at Osama bin Laden's funeral. He is going to play "Sandals In The Bin".

    Don't act like you're surprised...

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