Word of warning.... the RNP road has had a severe lowering of the speed limit (alot is now 60km/h) and introduction of double white lines. The police are actively targeting the road as well. Its not that much fun anymore.
1. A real good run in drive (if you can spare an entire day) is up Raymond Terrace, over to GLoucester via Bucketts way, up to Walcha on Thunderbolts, down to Wauchope on the Oxley and back down to Sydney on the Pacific Hwy. I ran my Polo GTi on that route and it revs cleanly and uses little to no oil between services.
2. Macquarie Pass is always a good one ona week day (less traffic). Travel down there via the OLD Princess Highway. Back on the freeway then take Mt Kiera turnoff and wind your way back down towards the coast. Take the Albion Park turnoff then up to Macquarie Pass. You can come back via Kangaroo Valley if you like.
3. What I consider one of the best drives around requires a weekend trip (from Sydney) during summer.
- Do the Macquarie Pass drive. Cut across to the Hume Highway (there are several scenic back ways) at Marulan.
- Head to Goulburn (there is a nice back road near Marulan), then cut across to Queanbean on the back road (that passes Wakefield Park). Take the Monaro the Berridale.
- Take the road on the right to Adaminaby. The the Snowy Mtns Highway to the Kiandra turnoff. From there you drive until Cabramurra where you can take in the views. The you take the road down the mountain to Khancoban.
- From there you take the Alpine way to Thredbo and Jindabyne then you take the back road to Dalgety and Cooma.
- Easy drive back to Sydney after that.
Sydney NSW, Australia to Sydney NSW, Australia - Google Maps