View Poll Results: Which .:R tickles your fancy?

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  • Mk4

    46 80.70%
  • Mk5

    4 7.02%
  • Mk6

    7 12.28%
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Thread: Best looking .:R

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Best looking .:R

    With the Mk6 .:R just around the corner, I'm interested to know which of the Mark's had the best looking R series Golf.




    Mk4 IMO
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Nice and simply...

    Audi S3 8L - Stroker GTX3582 700bhp+
    Golf GTI 1980
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The original is always the best - Mk4. It looked so much more aggressive compared to the other models of the generation. Yes there are differences with the Mk5 and Mk6 versions but they're a little more subtle.

  4. #4
    Its a hard vote for me.

    As much as I love the MK4 & I really do love the look of this, but here is the downside

    It was an overweight under powered pig!!!

    For an all out performance car, it should walk away from nearly all the local HP hero cars of its era without breaking a sweat.

    But no.

    My stock VN 5L Calais can beat a stock R32 in a straight line. Probably almost out run one on a dry track too! & the VN is an older car too!

    The Mk4 R32 should have had 350+hp from the factory. Maybe even more, for an all out performance car, especially considering it was VW's fastest production car at the time

    So here is the question?

    How good will the new Mk6 R actually be?

    Its looks good (the mk6 gti has finally grown on me & looks a hell of alot better than the aging mk5 & is more distinguished too! Still wouldn't buy either car though!)

    Goes good (well not to me sorry. BMW M3 6cyl. is still quicker) sub 6 sec 0-100. Still slower then a current local hp hero too!

    Handling?. Well from the review's, Not too shabby!

    So which is the best looking?

    Well if you go by how fast the Mk5's looks have aged, the Mk6 will follow suit just as quick, whereas the Mk4 still looks tough!

    My vote on looks alone

    Mk4 hands down.

    Performance? I'd still have my mk1! hahaha

    Nah. Mk6 over both the Mk4 & Mk5, but like I said.

    If I was buying a new current car, I would rather buy something thats got more grunt (at least 400+hp) & is local & would blow them out of the weeds in every challenge, cause I know these cars first hand from what they are like eg build quality, performance, reliability etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    to be honest i dont like the pictures of the mk6 .:R as much as the mk6 GTI.

    i'd go mk4. looks toughest out of the lot. also looks the most honest. the others blur the lines for me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I've always had a thing for the Mk4 R32, it's one sexy piece of steel, now if only I could afford one (and the supercharger it needs)... That said the I do like the Mk6, so much better looking than the Mk5.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The Mk4 wins hands down.

    The Mk6 needs pumped guards.

    The Mk5 looks very plain and like my wife says, very japanese and boring looking.
    Mk IV Golf GTI - BMP - GIAC chip, R32 wheels, KW coilovers, rear swaybar.
    Originally Posted by JoeVR
    I've never been a big fan of rotors, or really Japanese cars in general, so my choice would have to be..... an RX-8.

  8. #8
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    mk4 ftmfw
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Althougth its the slowest and least practical, it will always be the mk 4 for me. (I know I am biased.) The car just oozes so much more character than the others. To me its not all about performance and fuel efficiency...on looks alone the mk4 will win everytime. Its timeless and to me looks a lot better than newer cars today. I love them.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
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    i definatly like the mk4
    actually i have a major soft spot for the mk4, seen so many come through the workshop and they are a stunning car
    the mk6 however is up there
    not really a fan on the mk5 look
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