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Thread: shipping engine to aus questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bentleigh, Melbourne
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    shipping engine to aus questions

    im going to the UK in a few months, and i am looking at getting another 16v engine and a few gearboxes.

    now shipping to Australia, they will obviously goes through customs.
    will there be a problem if they are dirty?? they will need to be steam cleaned/pressure washed before shipping, but to what extent of cleanliness do they need to be??


  2. #2
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    I like this thread. *subscribed*

  3. #3
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    From when I was sending vehicle parts back from Timor to Australia, auto parts had to be spotless for AQIS and Customs... They are VERY anal about that. Spotless, free of dirt and seeds, and drained of all oils and coolants.
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

  4. #4
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    I would imagine it would have to be clean but not immaculate. No obvious soil clumps on it. I'd be digging on the customs website.
    Golf GT Sport TDI

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Perth. WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Stiggy_21 View Post
    im going to the UK in a few months, and i am looking at getting another 16v engine and a few gearboxes.

    now shipping to Australia, they will obviously goes through customs.
    will there be a problem if they are dirty?? they will need to be steam cleaned/pressure washed before shipping, but to what extent of cleanliness do they need to be??
    I have imported engines and transmissions from both UK and USA.

    Whatever you bring in needs to be basically soil and insect free.

    It will cost you a lot less to clean it UK side before shipping, otherwise AQIS will have it cleaned by one of their licensed contractors and then add that cost to the import bill ( ie you pay more GST than what you would have originally )

    One of my turbo engines came in a LCL ( less than full container ) Load with some chev engines, all these engines were power washed thanks to 1 of them having some debris on it. All the engines ended up with water internally which rendered several as stuffed. AQIS denied any responsibility so we were lumped with a load of boat anchors.

    I have also had immaculate doors go through this AQIS bull**** leaving them virtually useless.

    I suggest that you choose your shipper carefully, scrub the parts yourself before loading or delivering the parts for shipping.

    My last US trip I was scrubbing dirt of a set of used Rocco guards ( and a ton of smaller stuff I had collected on one of the scrapyard runs ) in the hotel carpark, only to be confronted by the hotel manageress, was all rather amusing but it had her wondering wtf I was doing.. concequently I had absolutely no problem with any of that stuff coming thru, also a good endorsement for my US shipper, thanks Lee

    My UK guy will clean the items if he considers them to be less than clean enough, then charge me for it. Sometimes if I buy online from breakers etc then I leave it to Dave to make the call on the level of cleanliness.

    Wood is another possible hassle, it needs to be kiln dried and stamped with the international coding ( have a look at AQIS ) I prefer to have heavier items bolted to steel for forklift loading and then after thorogh cleaning either cling film it or box it in cardboard.

    Hope this doesnt put you off, its all good fun but spend the time and you wont have any hassles.

    "Shilo inn Pomona "

    Simple green and scrubbing brush was all i used, all the yanks just watched thinking "mad aussie "
    Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...

    If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??


  6. #6
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    thanks grant.. exactly what i wanted to hear.

    as for shipping who do people recommend from UK to Aus (Melbourne), assuming the items will be in a crate.


  7. #7
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    Havas were good to work with when I brought in my Fibreglass bits.

    Havas Worldwide Shipping
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    RE: shipping engine to aus questions

    That shouldn't be a problem but this is something that is 100% in the senders control and easily avoidable, and like I said as a sender myself I know it wouldn't take much to wipe it off before I pack it up. Nonetheless the shipping company like BRI sea freight from Australia to UK and the customs will then send you your gears as is.
    Last edited by johnnydoughert; 06-07-2020 at 07:35 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Since 2012 and now things have changed for importing so best check before doing it. The main change concerns asbestos in cars or parts and it has caused a lot of problems to those who weren't aware of it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Has anyone done this recently?

    I'm looking to buy a VW engine from the USA and send it over here. I'm struggling to find a freight carrier to do it and also concerned about issues at customs with cleanliness as the motor will come from a wrecker.

    Does anyone know of a service who can prep these things properly and have them shipped to Aus?

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