Originally Posted by
A more prudent method of minimising the likelihood of risk materialising would be to drive within the conditions and one's own limits, even if it may slightly inconvenience 5% of drivers on the roads.
Very well constructed argument, with which I completely agree. I have no problem whatsoever with other people driving within their limits, and/or the limits of their vehicle. I do have problems with them deciding that their limit is the ultimate limit, and it's inappropriate for anybody else to drive faster.
If you're driving below the speed limit, and somebody catches up to you, don't accelerate simply because a nice straight stretch opens up. Let people overtake. If you're happy for others to lose minutes on their drive, why not forgo a few seconds on yours?
(Sorry Diesel_vert - generic use of "you" - not intended to accuse you of anything.
Former owner of MY12 GTD with DSG