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Thread: Anyone Play Guitar?

  1. #1
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    Anyone Play Guitar?

    I used to in high school and was thinking about taking it up again. Just setting up with a low/mid level guitar and amp to get the basics back and learn some more before upgrading. Any recommendations for a guitar and amp? I'm looking at this on eBay atm...

  2. #2
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    That should go for ALOT more than 350, probably at least over a grand and then some.

    Just get one of the Peavy starter packs that come with a 10 watt amp and a 1/2 decent guitar with twin pickups. It shouldn't cost more than 400 or so and be more than you could ever ask for as a beginner.

    Buying a Stratocaster is like buying a 911 turbo as a first car, utterly pointless as you would have to be a skilled driver to make it anything more than a shopping trolley or a Saturday night cruiser constantly stuck in 3rd...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Houso View Post
    That should go for ALOT more than 350, probably at least over a grand and then some.

    Just get one of the Peavy starter packs that come with a 10 watt amp and a 1/2 decent guitar with twin pickups. It shouldn't cost more than 400 or so and be more than you could ever ask for as a beginner.

    Buying a Stratocaster is like buying a 911 turbo as a first car, utterly pointless as you would have to be a skilled driver to make it anything more than a shopping trolley or a Saturday night cruiser constantly stuck in 3rd...
    thats a squire. hardly a real strat.....

    I got a behringer kit for my first guitar. guitar was decent to learn on, although now the next is a little warped due to lack of care (exposure to sun etc) the amp isn't too bad. all up 200 bucks odd, which is just about right.

    you could got a for something that's a bit better like a squire but it'll cost you more (obviously)

    I bought the behringer kit, and then about a year later bought a wikid gretsch (3 or 4 years ago now) I've still got the little amp, though hardly use it.

    all comes down to coin., to me, no point in having a decent guitar just to learn on, get something cheap, if you don't want to play anymore, you're hardly out of pocket, and if you want to get something else, more coin in the bank for a REAL strat.


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  4. #4
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    That's actually a very low end guitar. The Squier Affinity line is the bottom of the Fender-affiliated axes and often have only a superficial resembelance to the real thing. Laminated body (lots of thin bits glued together, crappy pickups probably). Probably ok for a beginner, but having a half decent instrument can do wonders for your enthusiasm and confidence. And a guitar billed as 'Mark Knopfler' but has a bridge humbucker is a but disingenuous to me.

    A standard Squier is a step or two up. Even a Mexican Fender is affordable at under a grand (you can spend over $10k on a strat if you wanted to).

    I've been playing for 20+ years by the way.

    Hope this helps

    Edit: Jarred, what sort of Gretsch do you have?
    Last edited by greasykitchen; 14-08-2009 at 01:30 PM. Reason: Gretsch goodness...
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  5. #5
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    lol thanks guys... some of it helps.

    I should have mentioned, I'm not a beginner. Just haven't done it for a while. While I'm no lead guitarist I want something reasonably decent and not ultra low (read beginner) end. $300 - $600 all up is what I can easily justify for guitar and amp. Then see where it takes me, see if I get super keen to develop my skills as far as possible.

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    Gretsch Electromatic, minus the whammy bar. Pretty entry level, but a real nice guitar, with a pretty unique sound. Should have got the whammy though. doh.

    Was going to get a LP, but my mate swayed my mind as I went to buy the LP. and I'm glad he did.

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  7. #7
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    Nice. I'd considered one a while ago. A good combo of twang and power I'd expect.
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  8. #8
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    Who is messing with my profile?
    Les Paul, inventer of the solid electric guitar, died today, aged 94. He played gigs well into his 90's weekly. RIP.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by KWICKS View Post
    Les Paul, inventer of the solid electric guitar, died today, aged 94. He played gigs well into his 90's weekly. RIP.
    Yeah that's what got me thinking about playing again... LP guitars will cost more now!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket36 View Post
    Yeah that's what got me thinking about playing again... LP guitars will cost more now!
    They cost more than enough already
    '76 Mk1 Golf - Gone!
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