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Thread: Another 'locked the keys in the car' story...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Another 'locked the keys in the car' story...

    I have been recently moving & forgot that when you unlock the car, but don't open the door, the car locks itself again after a minute or so...

    I made my way to my car, with my arms loaded up & the key in my hand. I clicked the unlock button, opened the hatch-back & plonked the arm-full of belongings in the boot (along with the key...) My phone started ringing. I sat in the boot & took the call, had a bit of a chin-wag, jumped up & closed the hatch...

    So my car is now completely locked with the key in the boot! My only savior is that both front windows are down ~10mm & the back seat is folded flat. I got a long metal rod & tried the unlock button on the inside of the drivers door. Nope. I called VW assist, who sent out a guy from the NRMA, although i knew he wouldn't be able to unlock it. He tried to break off both my inside door handles by pulling on them SO hard with a long rigid wire with a hook on the end, with me telling him it wouldn't work, & him insisting it would, if he did it 3 times in quick succession on the passenger side...

    While he was on the phone & internet looking for solutions, i taped together two of his rigid wires with a Macgyvered up coat hanger on the end, poked it through the drivers window & somehow (very luckily) managed to hook the keys from the diagonally opposite corner of the car & drag them through to the 10mm opening at the top of my window! Yay!

    When NRMA guy saw what i was up to he's like saying 'stop doing that! If you drop my wires in there, i'll never get them back'... But it worked & i learned a valuable lesson!
    Current: MY18 TRANSPORTER CrewVan, Indium Grey
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Good work.

    Learnt that one many years ago, as an offsider for my old man when he was a locksmith. If you can see the keys, do everything you can to get them. The last thing you want to do break things.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    my latest... get out of car, go inside, lock car while inside, leave car and house keys on table, need to get something else out of car, open front door without setting the deadlock to unlocked, forgot that i locked car and need my keys, turn around to go back to front door only to see the wind slam it shut, lock myself out of home with spare house keys inside car!
    Luckily I had my Phone and wallet.
    Called Sister. Caught Bus into City and got my spare key... scored some leftover food from her food cooking photoshoot
    what an ordeal. nearly 4 hours later I'm back inside.

    That is the 3rd time that front door has locked me out!
    \( O ) o\====(\X/)=TDI=/o ( O )/ 2011 Jetta Mk5 125TDI - Squidly

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    That's why I keep a spare key blade in my wallet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Great idea, unless your wallet is in the car too...

    I have just had a surf key cut, considering another wired under the car somewhere discreet.
    Current: MY18 TRANSPORTER CrewVan, Indium Grey
    Previous: MY10 Tiguan 2.0TSI, Silver Leaf, APR StgII tune + many mod's

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by MGV View Post
    I have just had a surf key cut.
    Where from and how much ?
    MK4 GTI - Sold
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustCruisn View Post
    Where from and how much ?
    Got the blank pretty cheap on eBay, like $10 or 15 delivered, however having it cut was $50, arranged (but not cut) thru Klosters in Newcastle.
    Current: MY18 TRANSPORTER CrewVan, Indium Grey
    Previous: MY10 Tiguan 2.0TSI, Silver Leaf, APR StgII tune + many mod's

  8. #8
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    My brother had a Gemini when he was 16 (didn't last long the rusty POS), his mate unlocked it, then started it....then realised he'd done both with his own Subaru key.


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