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Thread: "After sidelining it for a while.."

  1. #1

    "After sidelining it for a while.."

    I thought I’d log back after a 6 month off stint to see how the forum has been going since my departure & also as I’ve got a couple of builds on the go & a couple more coming up, I thought I’d share them with you all incl.:

    -560hp street car
    -Turbo’d Golf Project
    -Auto rebuild project

    Along with a couple of good tech articles & how to threads about building your own short shift kit & brass bushings, how to shut up your rattlely mk5 GTIs & jettas with proven modifications & just late model & new car info & fixes in general.

    But after browsing over the forum the last couple of days & reading through all of the dribble, I don’t honestly know why I should bother.

    This forum has become like a dictatorship! I mean, Banning General Chat! WTF. Its a public forum!

    I’m glad I made the good friends I did when this forum sprang to life & was part of forming the Melb. Crew in the early days, as that was how the forum was. All friendly & people willing to get together & help others out with info of just a general hand, because the way it has become, I reckon it would be very hard to make friendships, with all the bickering & cheap shot talk that goes on!

    For quite a small forum, it is way over moderated.

    I can remember when Brackie would tell me to keep all of the non-car related or non-VW related to the general chat section, as thats where it belongs. Thats from the co-founder!

    A lot of the other forums I have been on since leaving here have quite a substantial member based & they have nearly half the mods eg. -Australian V8 forum 11+K member’s, 242+K post’s & only 5 Moderator’s!

    I also found that a lot of the crap talk end’s up sorting itself out over a period of time too & there are far more egos in aussie car forums let me tell you, but they all learn to get along. Cutting or deleting the thread makes the situationworse. The mods complain all the time about all the crap, but I reckon its because you’re just creating more work for yourselves than you really have to!

    This forum was once a great technical resource for all kinds of stuff. What has happened to it all? All I see now is “What color car should I get?”, “I want to buy this item, but don’t want to spend that much”, “What fuel should I use?”, “What air freshener should I put in my car?”, What oil should I use?”, “Thats not good for your health!” & my all time favorite “How should I run my car in?”

    There's one main reason i left in the first place. People on this forum with little or no experience or knowledge flaming and discrediting highly knowledgeable, skilled, experience contributors. Those people are left alone, but if the contributor becomes (understandably) upset and replies with something a little harsh or out of line, their post is deleted or edited without mercy. Where's the fairness in that? This is yet another reason why you have LESS good contributors and MORE childish trouble makers than you did 2 years ago.

    Also add onto this, I no longer want anything to do with VW Watercooled & as such have deleted all the thread's I've started incl. build threads & info thread's, as they were clearly going to waist!

    I think you all should take a bow & pat each other on the backs, as you’ve all helped bring this forum to its knees!

    I can just see Brackie sitting there with his head in his hands wondering what has happened to this once great forum!

    Ban me for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    This is the internet in 2009, it's a shame sometimes, but you learn to live with it.

    C'est la vie.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    what a mess

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    Quote Originally Posted by golfworx View Post
    I thought I’d log back after a 6 month off stint to see how the forum has been going since my departure & also as I’ve got a couple of builds on the go & a couple more coming up, I thought I’d share them with you all incl.:

    -560hp street car
    -Turbo’d Golf Project
    -Auto rebuild project

    Along with a couple of good tech articles & how to threads about building your own short shift kit & brass bushings, how to shut up your rattlely mk5 GTIs & jettas with proven modifications & just late model & new car info & fixes in general.

    But after browsing over the forum the last couple of days & reading through all of the dribble, I don’t honestly know why I should bother.

    This forum has become like a dictatorship! I mean, Banning General Chat! WTF. Its a public forum!

    I’m glad I made the good friends I did when this forum sprang to life & was part of forming the Melb. Crew in the early days, as that was how the forum was. All friendly & people willing to get together & help others out with info of just a general hand, because the way it has become, I reckon it would be very hard to make friendships, with all the bickering & cheap shot talk that goes on!

    For quite a small forum, it is way over moderated.

    I can remember when Brackie would tell me to keep all of the non-car related or non-VW related to the general chat section, as thats where it belongs. Thats from the co-founder!

    A lot of the other forums I have been on since leaving here have quite a substantial member based & they have nearly half the mods eg. -Australian V8 forum 11+K member’s, 242+K post’s & only 5 Moderator’s!

    I also found that a lot of the crap talk end’s up sorting itself out over a period of time too & there are far more egos in aussie car forums let me tell you, but they all learn to get along. Cutting or deleting the thread makes the situationworse. The mods complain all the time about all the crap, but I reckon its because you’re just creating more work for yourselves than you really have to!

    This forum was once a great technical resource for all kinds of stuff. What has happened to it all? All I see now is “What color car should I get?”, “I want to buy this item, but don’t want to spend that much”, “What fuel should I use?”, “What air freshener should I put in my car?”, What oil should I use?”, “Thats not good for your health!” & my all time favorite “How should I run my car in?”

    There's one main reason i left in the first place. People on this forum with little or no experience or knowledge flaming and discrediting highly knowledgeable, skilled, experience contributors. Those people are left alone, but if the contributor becomes (understandably) upset and replies with something a little harsh or out of line, their post is deleted or edited without mercy. Where's the fairness in that? This is yet another reason why you have LESS good contributors and MORE childish trouble makers than you did 2 years ago.

    Also add onto this, I no longer want anything to do with VW Watercooled & as such have deleted all the thread's I've started incl. build threads & info thread's, as they were clearly going to waist!

    I think you all should take a bow & pat each other on the backs, as you’ve all helped bring this forum to its knees!

    I can just see Brackie sitting there with his head in his hands wondering what has happened to this once great forum!

    Ban me for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tim we want the same thing. Less nonsense posts about cupholders and more good info from techs like yourself.

    I`m sorry you felt devalued and unappreciated by some of the youngsters on here, thats even more reason to stay and help mould em into useful members of the dub community.

    I would love to read some of your build threads, or how to`s, post em up.

    Surely walking away is not the best way to help the forum?

    Surely you must see that having the nonsense posts in general chat encourages more of the same and thus encourages the downwards spiral of the forum.

    I still speak to Brackie my co founder and I know he would be against all the "in jokes" and text speak that appeals to such a small spectrum on here.

    Thats what we are trying to cull, not any sense of community or friendly banter.

    There have been so many pointless posts in the General section in the last few months, from the state of Islam in Australian society to what torch shall I buy. Seriously, do you want to support that on a VW forum??

    The only reason for the name change in the General section was that the mod team felt that posts should have a least a passing relevance to a VW enthusiasts forum. Thats it.

    Its also funny haw a vocal minority who volunteer for nothing and have no part in assisting with the forum, other than sniping from the wings can cause such a fuss.

    I agree with you Tim, it annoys me all the nonsense on here, but I remember the VW scene before VWW and it was tiny. this place created a scene and brought like minded people together. I have made some good friends through this forum and it would be a shame to leave it because of some idiots.

    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
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    I wish this would all stop.

    Can we start again?
    Last edited by Spyda; 07-08-2009 at 12:03 AM.
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  6. #6
    hiya tim...good to see you on here again
    '91 2.0 8v GTI

    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    I have wood thinking about you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    great to see you back tim.

    Audi S3 8L - Stroker GTX3582 700bhp+
    Golf GTI 1980
    Golf GLS 1979

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Erskineville, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfworx View Post
    -560hp street car
    -Turbo’d Golf Project
    -Auto rebuild project

    Along with a couple of good tech articles & how to threads about building your own short shift kit & brass bushings, how to shut up your rattlely mk5 GTIs & jettas with proven modifications & just late model & new car info & fixes in general.
    I'd like to see all that.

    I also found that a lot of the crap talk end’s up sorting itself out over a period of time too & there are far more egos in aussie car forums let me tell you, but they all learn to get along. Cutting or deleting the thread makes the situationworse.
    My experience too. Big winds eventually blow themselves out.

    All I see now is “What color car should I get?”, “I want to buy this item, but don’t want to spend that much”, “What fuel should I use?”, “What air freshener should I put in my car?”, What oil should I use?”, “Thats not good for your health!” & my all time favorite “How should I run my car in?”
    Search button needs to be much bigger & a different color.

    EDIT: Cracks me up to see all the moderated posts in this thread.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Tick View Post
    MODERATED??? How about the thread having its' guts ripped out

    '91 2.0 8v GTI

    Quote Originally Posted by DubSteve View Post
    I have wood thinking about you

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Users Country Flag

    Quote Originally Posted by brad View Post
    I'd like to see all that.

    it has them all on eurorevo google search the forum



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