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Thread: After-market reverse sensors and camera?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Users Country Flag

    After-market reverse sensors and camera?

    Now personally I don't mind using the big glass section of the back door to help me back, but I'm trying to sort the mum's car out with some sensors and camera, I definitely see the value of the systems and am curious about the challenge of a DIY install.


    What kits should I be looking at (eBay has 100,000,000,000,004 options)? Have any of you attempted a DIY or know of a well priced installer (BNE).

    Opinions, views, bigoted rants... go ahead.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Largs Bay, S.A.
    Users Country Flag
    I guess it depends what car it's going into as to what options are available. Is the current head unit OEM and can it display a reverse camera picture or are you looking at an after-market head unit or something different like the rear view mirror units? Do you really need the proximity sensors?

    I hired a Hi-ace van recently which had an OEM fitment of auto-dimming rear view mirror with reverse camera and found it really useful. I like how you're still viewing the mirror rather than looking down at a screen - seemed more natural to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Found your post and thought I would give you an idea , we bought our latest VW Van and changed the head unit over to a Chinese Android system , its a great unit with loads of features . Reverse camera can be added and also if the vehicle has factory reverse sensors as standard they will show up as well . Now in our case we did not have reverse sensors on the van so I fitted them separately . The unit came with its own display which you can see in the photo above the head unit shade it beeps as you get closer and shows the distance with colour changes . So with the reverse camera and sensors we have got it covered .After-market reverse sensors and camera?-img_74601_zpscd603592-jpg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Will be into a Mitsubishi Outlander (sorry not VAG, the old Audi is getting toward retirement), factory system has zero support for sensors, so am going to brave an eBay kit. A previous tenant of the house accidentally reversed into her daughter, and she past away. So although the driveway has since been modified significantly, it's still one of those extra precautions we are aware of, and seeing as it's also reversing out into a school zone.

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