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Thread: 37 million forsexual harassment?

  1. #21
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    She's on a hiding to nothing in the media. DJs spend so many advertising dollars & it has been obvious that the reporting has been leniant on DJs & harsh on her. Nothing overt but you can notice it if you are looking.

    I have no idea about the case itself & I wonder where all these other women are that he was supposed to have sexually harrassed over the years. What I do know is that there are plenty of sleazy bosses out there & there are plenty of gullible women that haven't got a clue what is going on until it is too late.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  2. #22
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    Its all timing. She did it the day before the new season Fashion launch, asked for a rediculous amount of money so they would settle quickly for more than its worth.

    In this case, I don't think that DJ's are going to do well from the publicity...

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jettapilot View Post
    Regardless of the law in this country, sexual harassment in the workplace is still happening and the perpetrators will only be punished and stopped if the victims speak out. This very public case is but the tip of the iceberg. Most victims are not supported by their workplace, they are afraid or they feel it's easier to simply resign and seek another job. Meanwhile the harasser keeps their job and continues doing what they've always done to the next person who is unfortunate enough to have to work with them.
    Oh come on, the workplace has been destroyed by the bleeding hearts who have forced in PC where no-one can say anything that might dare to offend anyone. Sexual harassment in the workplace is more to do with people being over sensitive and having too many avenues to turn to including the bleeding hearts at the various Anti-Discrimination Commission's around the country who are too willing to waste taxpayers money for the most frivolous of lawsuits.

    This seemingly outrageous claim is necessary to show corporate Australia that this behaviour will not be tolerated and if it makes people think twice before they say or do ... then it is worth it.
    So ripping apart the workplace and creating an environment where the slightest word out of line can see you and your employer being hauled in front of the discrimination commissioner? Some people need to take a teaspoon cement before they go to work.

    Good on her for having the courage to bring this man and his organisation to task.

    Some of the comments on this thread are proof that we need a big public case so the issue is taken seriously and the harassment will eventually stop.
    All it does is make a mockery of the laws and expose the people for the gold diggers they are.

    I don't care what she does with the money. She'll have an interesting time getting another job in her field.
    I'm sure if she doesn't get an interview she'll be jumping up and down and if anyone does hire her they'll want to be on their best behavior.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    Oh come on, the workplace has been destroyed by the bleeding hearts who have forced in PC where no-one can say anything that might dare to offend anyone. Sexual harassment in the workplace is more to do with people being over sensitive and having too many avenues to turn to including the bleeding hearts at the various Anti-Discrimination Commission's around the country who are too willing to waste taxpayers money for the most frivolous of lawsuits.
    Mav, you work in an engineering/male dominated field too don't you? If you do then you probably wouldn't see a lot of sexual discrimination/harrassment (two different things imo) - except maybe against homosexuals. It's out there & it happens - I was production Planner for 15 female NESB, non-skilled female workers & the manager was a shocker. Not just on a sexual/physical level but they definately weren't given the same opportunities & leeway as the blokes. In the end, the guys 30 year association with the company was ended because even when he was confronted with the evidence, he still thought it was OK to attempt to give shoulder massages (which tended to slip down towards their breasts) to the women - even after they'd told him to bugger off. And I've seen plenty of other examples on the rare occasion there's been a female in my workplace. (and i worked for a bloke in the mid-80s who would only hire secretaries/book-keepers that would give him head in return for their above market-rate pay - that office almost had a revolving door on it).

    I agree that a lot of companies have gone OTT (especially in the late '90s) but it seems that sometimes you have to use a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.

    So ripping apart the workplace and creating an environment where the slightest word out of line can see you and your employer being hauled in front of the discrimination commissioner? Some people need to take a teaspoon cement before they go to work.
    Well, it doesn't quite work like that & a good harrassment/discrimination trainer can show you what is acceptable & what isn't. I'm a shocker for workplace banter, jokes & generally being a big mouth. I generally fly under the radar if there's a new face in the office until i know their limits. While I believe that my style of speech shouldn't be muzzled, I also don't believe that people should have to put up with it if it makes them uncomfortable. You can make this work to your advantage if you have people that like expressing their political or religious views in the office - just tell them you feel uncomfortable or don't like what they are saying & they have to STFU

    All it does is make a mockery of the laws and expose the people for the gold diggers they are.
    I think there's more to the evidence than what has been revealed. IIRC, there are at least another 5 women that have left DJs under odd circumstances. Don't forget this is a powerful guy - people in his position often feel they are above the law or are a law unto themselves because of all the "yes-people" that are around them.

    I'm sure if she doesn't get an interview she'll be jumping up and down and if anyone does hire her they'll want to be on their best behavior.
    So why shouldn't everyone be on their best behaviour in the workplace? Surely that's better than being on our worst behaviour? Knowing the out-of-hours habits of some of my ex-workmates, I wouldn't want them to bring it to work.

    She might be a little bit stuffed for finding work in the future but a friend of mine got a huge payout for harrassment about 10 years back (she bought a small house with it) and afterwards, she had no troubles finding lots of highly paid work ($150k-$300k jobs) in an industry that was a very small pond. And the crack up was that an associated company of the company that made the pay-out re-hired her 6 years later.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  5. #25
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    $37 million????

    for a tit-and-ass touch?

    like..... the same amount that a first world country might be expected to pay during a natural disaster relief effort?

    **** off...... greedy c**t.

    if that kind of cash is going around.... josh- you can grope my ass next time there's a VW concours.....

  6. #26
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    buller, you do realise that the $37m is just an ambit claim & was designed to get some publicity?

    just a tit-and-ass touch? Your 28 & work at Wirgin? Imagine the old bat that works up the other end of the building (you know, the really old duck that has been smoking 40 a day for the last 40 years & she's got purple hair that looks like it is made of resin & she a bit stinky because she doesn't wash a lot). Now, imagine she gets you cornered at the Xmas party & tries to get you in the little room the cleaning gear is in. Would you like it?

    The woman was 28, Mark McInnes is 44. He could be her father. I'll put it another way - I'm close to his age. i have a 28 year old niece. the thought of me hitting on one of her friends makes me feel sick.

    young women shouldn't have to go to work & be worried some old lecher is going to make life difficult for them.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad View Post
    buller, you do realise that the $37m is just an ambit claim & was designed to get some publicity?

    just a tit-and-ass touch? Your 28 & work at Wirgin? Imagine the old bat that works up the other end of the building (you know, the really old duck that has been smoking 40 a day for the last 40 years & she's got purple hair that looks like it is made of resin & she a bit stinky because she doesn't wash a lot). Now, imagine she gets you cornered at the Xmas party & tries to get you in the little room the cleaning gear is in. Would you like it?

    The woman was 28, Mark McInnes is 44. He could be her father. I'll put it another way - I'm close to his age. i have a 28 year old niece. the thought of me hitting on one of her friends makes me feel sick.

    young women shouldn't have to go to work & be worried some old lecher is going to make life difficult for them.
    Maybe he wouldn't have been so forward with her if she had denied him any privilidges and ignored him/threatened him from the get go.

    Just another opinion that maybe she wasn't all so innocent in the grand scheme of things.

  8. #28
    jettapilot Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by team_v View Post
    Maybe he wouldn't have been so forward with her if she had denied him any privilidges and ignored him/threatened him from the get go.

    Just another opinion that maybe she wasn't all so innocent in the grand scheme of things.
    Why don't you just take a step back to the dark ages and say "She must have asked for it"

    There's never an excused to come on to your staff!

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by jettapilot View Post
    Why don't you just take a step back to the dark ages and say "She must have asked for it"

    There's never an excused to come on to your staff!
    Do you realise how many people have relationships with people they work with?
    If you are around someone for 40hours a week you generally see them more often than your life partner.
    Every work place i have been in has had multiple staff relationships/engagments/marriages.

    Note that i did not say "she must have asked for it" but merely suggested if she had of been more forward and denied him from the start, then maybe it wouldn't have gotten this far.

    However it is does seem a bit sus to me that it got this far if she didn't want it to.

  10. #30
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    She must of asked for it...

    She is just a greedy moll, I have no time for it, and its just clogging up the airwaves along with the election ads... The quicker it buggers off out of the news, the better...
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

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