I would have been very disappointed if I paid for last years event in Sydney. The skid pan event (with full ESP operational) just demonstrated that you could drive most current VWs through a slalom in the wet and no matter how much of a mug you were, the car would cover up your faults. Not one word of instruction from the "instructor" except "Go for it".
Then 10 or so laps in a GTD or a GTI on the Eastern Creek very short corporate circuit. Apexes all marked with cones and brake markers also there (and somewhat a little conservative). Again not a word from the accompanying instructor. Fun but I didn't learn anything and I know that my driving has lots of room for improvement.
Perhaps the most "instructive" part of the morning was the 4 up Eastern Creek laps in the R with the driver commenting on the lines he was taking, particularly in double apex corners.
To call the day an "Advanced Driving Day" was a very cheeky misnomer. I have to admit that it was a fun morning, nice sandwiches for lunch and a free grab bag of VW goodies.
It was a showcase for VWs latest offerings at the time and I think most people saw it as that. Or maybe it was just coincidental that the R was released on the Saturday before the Sydney event?
If you recall, participants last year were given an evaluation form to complete and the comments I made have been echoed in my comments here. They did ask if participants would be prepared to pay for an advanced driving course and my response was "Yes, if it includes genuine tuition/evaluation".
Before registering for this year I would ask a few questions as to what is being supplied to participants by way of instruction. My thoughts are, with a price attached, much more will be offered. $250 is cheap if something meaningful is offered and you get to drive more than about 5 kilometres for your money. Not sure what the current price is for the BMW Driver Training Day but last time I looked it was $995.
So I hope this explains to you why everyone expects that they are entitled to attend such an event at VW's expense. Key words being "such an event".