wow. just last weekend i went for a cruise with a bunch of guys (not VAG) and we all brapped pretty hard... plenty of tyre chirping.
coming home safe and then seeing something like this, makes you count your lucky stars indeed, especially after coming back from proper spirited driving (and no, i dont want to read some blatant LIAR telling me that im irresponsible, and that the only time they themselves exceed 60kmh in their stage 2+ gti with downpipe, fmic, hpfp, BMC CDA, full rebound and bounce adjustable suspension/ R spec tyres is when they're on one of their 2 track days a year).
at the same time, though, it makes you wonder... how completely out of anything resembling their knowledge of the limits of the car, under different circumstances, must these guys have been operating the vehicle in... i mean, i thought a front fender bender write off with no/ minor injuries, a few tears of embarrassment/ shame/ self hatred at having lost your pride and joy etc was far enough outside the limits of the car (as in, REALLY far).....