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Thread: 12 months 1 point? opinions.

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gerhard View Post
    Let's try a little test to see if you can learn anything new - as I pointed out before, the word you want is lose, not loose.

    The only thing loose about this thread is the cannon behind the wheel when you drive.

    You have already shown a total disrespect for the law by your actions.

    I honestly don't think it matters which way you go, you'll lose your license again anyway. Hopefully you won't cause an innocent party a problem.
    For LOSING my licence I have paid about $6000 worth of fines, done community service, lost a car and had the ability to drive my car revoked for 18months...

    do you really think i would do something that stupid again???

    You think someone can't change?

    And you have to be a prick to me because i'm a P plater????
    Last edited by thestu; 08-09-2010 at 10:03 AM.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by thestu View Post

    You think someone can't change?

    And you have to be a prick to me because i'm a P plater????
    You seem to be treating the whole thing as a bit of a laugh. Ever seen someone thats been involved in a high speed accident?

    We all like to have a bit of fun with our cars and drive them in a spirited fashion. But there is a time and a place to do it. Take it to a racetrack.

    While you are contemplating your next step, why not do something pro-active and go on an advanced or defensive driving course?

    Failing that, how about growing up?


  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by gerhard View Post
    I honestly don't think it matters which way you go, you'll lose your license again anyway. Hopefully you won't cause an innocent party a problem.
    Thanks for being so subtle and adding so much to this thread. Your contribution is so greatly appreciated!

    Get real mate. You don't know Stu from a bar of Soap. I don't think you're qualified to comment on the growth he's gone through over the last 2 years. What makes him so much more likely to lose his license than you? You drive a GTI. I've seen so many of them get pulled over, and speeding. Infact I'm pretty sure you're at risk to to lose your license. True, False? How would I know, I don't know you, so I'm not going to assume things about you, fair?

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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozram View Post
    You seem to be treating the whole thing as a bit of a laugh. Ever seen someone thats been involved in a high speed accident?

    We all like to have a bit of fun with our cars and drive them in a spirited fashion. But there is a time and a place to do it. Take it to a racetrack.

    While you are contemplating your next step, why not do something pro-active and go on an advanced or defensive driving course?

    Failing that, how about growing up?

    Defensive driving course would be good if he lacked confidence or skill behind the wheel, he doesn't, rather he just has a lead foot, and got caught using it!

    As for the last comment, try something contructive. that' wasn't. You don't know Stu or how much he has grown in the last couple of years. Yea he's still young, and will probably make mistakes, but he's learning, and that's what counts. We're trying to help him here, and comments like that will only breed resentment and hate.

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  5. #25
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    Kicking someone whilst their down doesnt help them move forward.

    Anyways Stu the balls in your court. We all know how painful not being able to drive has been for you. I still think that being patient is the way to go. Many of my friends have chosen the 1 point option and out of them all only 1 that i know of has managed to come out 12 months later with their licence in tact.



  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozram View Post
    You seem to be treating the whole thing as a bit of a laugh. Ever seen someone thats been involved in a high speed accident?

    We all like to have a bit of fun with our cars and drive them in a spirited fashion. But there is a time and a place to do it. Take it to a racetrack.

    While you are contemplating your next step, why not do something pro-active and go on an advanced or defensive driving course?

    Failing that, how about growing up?
    I personally think he has paid the price in monetary terms and time off the road. It also seems to me that he has taken it seriously, whatever it was he did in the first place.

    On topic, Stu you have to make your own mind up if you can drive everywhere like a saint for long enough to get all your points back.

    It's easy for someone to say that they have driven for 10 years and not picked up any points at all. IMO that's just pure luck, I did this in the UK and then got pinged with 2 71s in a 60 within 6 months of being in Australia, I just treated that as the odds catching up with me.


  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozram View Post
    You seem to be treating the whole thing as a bit of a laugh. Ever seen someone thats been involved in a high speed accident?

    We all like to have a bit of fun with our cars and drive them in a spirited fashion. But there is a time and a place to do it. Take it to a racetrack.

    While you are contemplating your next step, why not do something pro-active and go on an advanced or defensive driving course?

    Failing that, how about growing up?
    LOL How is asking for advise treating it as a joke? How grown up do you expect a 20yr old to be? Do you know how much an advanced driving course costs and do you know that you have to bring your own car to most of them? You nerds realy shiz me up the wall sometimes.

    I don't belive seeing an accident really helps either, someone on this forum had someone very close to them die because of high speed driving yet they still braged about doing 160 on the freeway to beat a civic and then said it was in honor of the person who died. A guy from school did a similar thing, he was in the car with his 2 brothers when the car crashed and killed them both, he still hoons around.

    To the other clown gerhead, dont comment if you dont know the person or the situation. Bullshiz negative generalising like that is just stupid.

    If i where you and i really badly needed a car to get around in i would take the 1point and do my best, but it would have to be like do or die. It realy doesnt help that the car is moddified though. If you are not in a situation where your realy realy badly need a car then just do without it for another 6months because 6months is a hell of alot easyer than 12.
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by thestu View Post
    I believe I will drive sensibly and won't run a muck!

    BUT police sometimes catch you for very very silly things and i'm scared because i really don't want to lose it ever again!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by thestu View Post
    The thing is guys I did drive without my licence for three months and drove so carefully it wasn't funny... The only thing I got picked up for was obviously driving without a licence... I never sped anywhere.

    I really do think I can do it.
    Quote Originally Posted by thestu View Post
    All very good points!

    But remember it is only speeding if you have gone over the speed limit for more than 5 seconds!
    Quote Originally Posted by thestu View Post
    For LOSING my licence
    And you have to be a prick to me because i'm a P plater????
    It's got nothing to do with the fact that you're a P Plater. It's more what you say and do that give the impression that you are immature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    I don't think you're qualified to comment on the growth he's gone through over the last 2 years. What makes him so much more likely to lose his license than you? You drive a GTI.
    What makes him more likely to lose his license than me? Well, I have 12 points for a start. Driving a GTI is irrelevant to the topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    Defensive driving course would be good if he lacked confidence or skill behind the wheel, he doesn't, rather he just has a lead foot, and got caught using it!
    Well whaddya know - you know what we all know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spyda View Post
    To the other clown gerhead, dont comment if you dont know the person or the situation. Bullshiz negative generalising like that is just stupid.
    Don't do it then. And it's Gerhard.

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  9. #29
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    Thanks all, I think Stu has his answers.

  10. #30
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    Back open on Stu's request. Constructive posts please.

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